Dixie Chicks Still Fighting Bush On New Album - Comments and Message Board

After reading this entire thread it appears that The Dixie Chicks got the last laugh by winning at the Grammys so they don't really care if they're kicked out of Nashville and Country Music since they have crossed over to main stream and are now more widely listened to than they ever would have been if they only stuck to Country.

Posted 17 years 3 months ago by stormy

stormy's picture

Capt whoever of Florida, your the idiot. President Bush didn't send the troops to Iraq. a unanimous vote of Congress did! The Dixie Chick can puplicly denounce anyone they want on our soil, but they should stand behind everything American right or wrong when on foreign soil!

Posted 17 years 3 months ago by tiredoftheignorant

tiredoftheignorant's picture


Posted 17 years 10 months ago by TheChicksRule

TheChicksRule's picture


Posted 17 years 11 months ago by GUIDRYCOLLEEN



Posted 17 years 11 months ago by my two cents

my two cents's picture

As a musician myself, I was one of the Dixie Chicks biggest fans; the operative word being WAS! I was working in a club in Northern Idaho and convinced the manager to put their CD in the "jukebox." I regret that mistake and have destroyed all of the CD's of the Dixie Chicks I had. It's really too bad, because they are wonderful musicians but terrible politicians. Please someone tell Blabberly Maines and Emily Stupidson to go back to their roots and sing and play music with their GOD given gifts!I think if they apologize; (wait they did that and retracted it)Oh well, I still think they can rejuvenate their careers if they just shut up and sing and play!!!!!!

Posted 17 years 11 months ago by Beameupscottie

Beameupscottie's picture

Three bleach-blondes with little talent. Don't worry, they won't last long. They're just desperate and need the attention. Don't hate them, PITY them.

Posted 17 years 11 months ago by my two cents

my two cents's picture

The Dixie Chicks need to shut-up and sing or get a new job! They are a disgrace to the Country Music Fan Base!

Posted 17 years 11 months ago by Beameupscottie

Beameupscottie's picture

http://upi.com/NewsTrack/view.php?StoryID=20060522-101753-8848rputs a smile on my face :)

Posted 17 years 12 months ago by chazz

chazz's picture

Political discourse is healthy for a good democracy. But, I wouldn't sit down with my friends, some of whom I agree with politically and others I don't, and start out the conversation by calling them names and then expect my opinion to be heard. I like some of the Dixie Chicks music, not all of it, but I won't be rushing out to buy their music because of what they said and I won't be banning it either. Natalie Maine gave her opinion, which she is entitled to whether or not I agree with her. America seems to operate like a dysfunctional family where we live in the same house but tear at each other over politics and ideology. It's the level at which we do this that becomes embarrassing. Gaining political capital by dragging a President through impeachment hearings for not wanting to admit to an extramarital affair or publicly villifying a President for deaths in a war that hasn't gone as well as forecasted doesn't do any good. The people in the world who don't like us enjoy seeing us behave this way and we then simply make the next President more dysfunctional through the fear of making a mistake. We would be better off debating our ideas and less name-calling.I'm not saying I believe this will happen, but it's just one opinion out of many.

Posted 17 years 12 months ago by Austinland

Austinland's picture

Hey I Loved the Chicks. Respect their opinion but if they have something to say just don't do it on soil other than America. They got their bucks here because a bunch of sacks like my granddad, my dad, my brother and me made it happen. At least respect that. Hey, gotta problem with America and it's leadership? VOTE. Just don't air your laundry ideas to countries that want us to fail. We have a process, if we'd all participate.....

Posted 17 years 12 months ago by vntur

vntur's picture

surly the dixie chicks are entitled to their opinion and that by continuing on this matter shows that they really do believe what bush did was wrong, and i fully support them. have none of you ever said anything that hurt someone else? if u have, then u really cannot say anything. If u have then backed down, u are a weak lemming. and if u haven't u r a lier!grow the hell up. All of you. U should all be ashamed of urselves. and how petty to boycott the chicks if u liked their music before, if anything it has got so much better. by boycotting are u not punishing urselves. fools all of you.i agree bush is a loser, was, loser and will always be a loser.

Posted 18 years 3 weeks ago by ecl uk

ecl uk's picture

Yeah....Then just Shut Up and Sing.

Posted 18 years 3 weeks ago by Larry in Texas

Larry in Texas's picture

As for me, when the "Treason" Chix come on the air, whether it be radio or television, I have the option to turn the dial to another station. I use my option!

Posted 18 years 3 weeks ago by Beameupscottie

Beameupscottie's picture

Dear ChazzI want to start by saying that I have 4 of the most beautiful kids with the same father (6 yr old daughter, 4 yr old twin girls and a 3 yr old son). The reason that I am a single mom is because their father died by saving our son's life a year ago.It's to bad that you wouldn't kill yourself and save us from having to read your bull!!! If you don't like the Dixie Chicks why bother with this site???Your parents must be ashamed to have raised such a cold harted person like you.

Posted 18 years 3 weeks ago by DixieFan

DixieFan's picture

Well said Jarhead. While I spent my time in Uncle Lydon's Army during 1965-1968, and my 13 months in hell, I have yet to read any death threats at this site concerning the Dixie Chicks. I, like you, enjoy their music, when they play. After spending greater than $ 70.00 a ticket to hear one of their concerts, all I asked is they leave their political commentary at home. I don't think that's too much to ask. As far as the conflict in Iraq, unlike when you and I were serving of our on free will, there was a draft happening. Most guys I met in Uncle Sugar's Army had a 'US' prior to their USAFID number. Those were the poor smucks that were drafted. Today it's an all volunteer Army (of course meaning Air Force, Marines, Navy, Coast Guard and MM). I also think we were sold down the Rabbit Hole on this conflict as well, but we're in it and those guys and gals need all the support we can give. You read the Stars and Stripes....They didn't hold back anything when you and I was in. It was extremely frustrating to read about the hippies and what-not protesting only what we had to do to stay alive and go home. Getting home was a whole different story as I'm sure you know.Yeah, this is a site of free speech. What you read in here are mini blogs by the entire cross section of our world's populace. Many of these clowns have never had a shot fired at them in anger nor ever had any reason to fear if they'd be alive in the morning. But, it's their right. Yeah it's a right you and I fought for in the 60's and now the military (USA and British and a host of other countries) are fighting for in Iraq, and Afganistan. Many people will write that's BS....The only reason they're fighting is 1. For Oil and 2. Because their emperor told them to.I sure the heck do not condone the deaths of better than 2800 GIs so far. But thats the way it is in war folks. You break stuff and kill people in time of war. No solder nor anyone in their right mind could possibly tell you it's good for us to be in this mess, but we're there. And, it's still gonna take time to get out.

Posted 18 years 3 weeks ago by Larry in Texas

Larry in Texas's picture

Bronxmom...While I'm as guilty as most that visit and contribute to this site there are people that seem to gloat at all errors they can find in a response. I just did. See above. However that does not excuse poor manners, bad faith conversation, or simply the personal snipeing that happens here. There are people with way too much time on their hands (like myself) and those who simply like to see their message published (also like myself). But when you search high enough you'll find with genuine concerns about their favorite celebrity. Those are the messages I most want to read. To guage how the public reacts to 'hardships' of our over paid entertainers. There are also a couple of guys that visit here that I hope and pray never mate. Can you imagine the monster? Anyway, it's always nice to see someone that's level headed and calm, as you seem to be, in your remarks. Good for you. As far as the others.....nah-nah-nah-nah-nah!

Posted 18 years 3 weeks ago by Larry in Texas

Larry in Texas's picture

Dear idiot Chazz,This quote is from the Baltimorechronicle.com, by Paul Craig Roberts..an official in Reagan's term and a prior editor of the Wall Sreet Jornal editorial page. "Job growth over the last five years is the weakest on record. The US economy came up more than 7 million jobs short of keeping up with population growth." If you are honest about all your blather, look up this one artcle and seek some truth instead of the drivel you are getting from Rush, Sean and Fox News.

Posted 18 years 3 weeks ago by mapartti

mapartti's picture

Ohh you got me on this salient error. I humbly admit that watergate should have been whitewatergate..could you not connect the dots anyways.Such a picayune comment..work harder.

Posted 18 years 3 weeks ago by mapartti

mapartti's picture

Dear "Idiot" Chazz......Surely your gonna call mapartti on his latest gaffe. Watergate was a problem President Nixon had....Not president clinton. Clinton was involved in "WHITEWATER".nah-nah-nah-nah-nah.

Posted 18 years 3 weeks ago by Larry in Texas

Larry in Texas's picture

Dear idiot Chazz, I forgot a huge whopper you wrote about Clinton. You are so uninformed. He was against the war, but also was a Rhodes scholar..a brilliant guy...he was sent to England and not Canada you dolt. He was in the draft but was not drafted.Do you loathe the duckhunter macho military warmonger Cheney...with his 5 deferrments. And Tom Delay.. who said too many minorities got to go so he couldn't get to Vietnam...these ultimate chicken hawks.And Iraq is SUCH a terrific success isn't it...the last throes of the dead enders insurgency..no government after 4 mos..less oil production, less electricity, more sewage in the streets, more death and destruction, chaos, kidnappings, civil strife than before we invaded. Ohh yeah, they really have it great now. That is why 8 generals, William Buckley, and Francis Fukuyama( better look these guys up little genius Chazz) have said that Rumsfeld should resign because of the disaster he has created.Sure..4 star Marine General and Centcom head Zinni and all these other brass are just traitors.

Posted 18 years 3 weeks ago by mapartti

mapartti's picture

Dear idiot Chazz,You are so blatantly ignorant about virtually everything you said, it is hard to know what part of your moronic blather to rebut. Let me start with an agreement with you that Bill Clinton was wrong and immoral to have a sexual extramarital relationship. It would prevent me from voting for him, but was not a reason to impeach him. They had been hounding and investigating him and all of his cabinet UNCEASINGLY.Watergate, travelgate, filegate, and troopergate was total partisan bull.If you are so horrified by his behavior, you must also disavow and condemn Gingrich, Henry Hyde, Helen Chenowith,Dan (2 families) Burton,Bob Livingston,Bob Barr,and about 10 other morally corrupt Republicans.( Are you friendly with republican hooker Jeff Gannon???) Do you agree. You are sorely in error about Bush and his AWOL behavior. He did not "fake medical tests", he Failed to be examined for a flight physical. This is accepted and explained by his crony Dan Bartlett with 3 different fake excuses. The Alabama Nat Guardsmen NEVER saw him....they offered a 10000 dollar award for anyone to come forward who saw him, and no-one did. Leave Dan Rather alone..he was accurate and those documents have NEVER been shown to have been fake....that was what the 2 man committtee said when they made their report.Bush was grounded from flying because of his failure to take his mandatory physical. Don't be so ignorant and look it up. The jobs numbers are not in doubt....Bush over his term has barely kept up with the number of jobs to be created in order to keep up with population growth.Unless your salary is a million bucks a year, why do you support this guy giving tax breaks worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to the mega rich. Yo are such a dupe. Th chicks were right about Bush, and I applaud them for their great artistry and the courage to speak out.

Posted 18 years 3 weeks ago by mapartti

mapartti's picture

To Larry from Texas - hats off to you. I was referring to the cursing on this site, not the cursing by the Dixie Chicks. Either mapartti is being disingenous,since he, by his own admission, is so much smarter then the rest of us, or maybe maparttie doesn't comprehend too well what he reads.In any case, Maparttie needs to take a deep breathe and think before he writes such dribble. Thanks again,Larry.

Posted 18 years 3 weeks ago by bronxmom

bronxmom's picture

Wow mapretartti, you are a conspiracy theory nut aren’t you? Let me first start off by saying I have no reason to be jealous of anyone’s “manly attractions”. Besides, if you honestly believe he’s attractive, you are blinder than I thought. Who cares about Willies peccadilloes? Well you may classify them as that. But what he did was inexcusable and disgusting. Brushing off his actions as a mere misguided faults only reflects poorly upon your own morality. As for the 20 million jobs that good ‘ole Willie created….I can’t find any stats on that number. Unless you can perhaps point me to this factual data (not some blog) I’ll take it as a ½ truth (10 million jobs). Now let me remind you while our current President has been in office over 240k jobs were created per month (on average). And the unemployment rate has hit a 32 year low. Our National debt burden is the same as it was back in 1996. Under the current circumstances, that’s phenomenal. (http://www.bls.gov/)Now here is a reality check for you: You mentioned that GWB avoided going to Vietnam by faking being in the ANG. Just another conspiracy theory that people like you can’t see past. All the news around that incident has been falsified. Remember, Dan Rather no longer has a job due to the garbage that was fabricated about that. Please show me an article that GWB admitted to falsifying medical documents as you so boldly insist. Now that you brought up Vietnam. Where was good ‘ole slick Willie? Ohh yea, he skipped up to Canada and avoided the draft. There’s a quality I look for in a President, he’s always ran from any real confrontation. He’s the coward. Again I can’t find a non blog reference to the amount of $300 billion for the war effort. Not that I’m saying it wasn’t expensive, nor the invaluable loss of live, but the fact of the matter is, war is ugly. There is no such thing as a cheap or pretty war. And when it comes to destroying the nation of Iraq, I can say with certainty that the tyrant that was ruling Iraq was destroying it. Not only that, he was threatening us with the WMD’s he claimed to have/ not have, etc. Aside from that the fact our Country was being robbed not only by Iraq, but France, Germany, and a number of other Countries over the oil for food program. May I also remind you that the same tyrant failed to comply with 14 UN resolutions. UN resolutions that were signed by many countries forcing him to get in line. The only problem is no one was willing to enforce those resolutions. So thank you Mr. President for being the stand up guy and enforcing the resolutions with military force, we all know no other country would/could. May I also add that a connection between Osama & Saddam was not the reason for going into Iraq. Obviously your only source for information is the media (which by the way hates Bush too) talk about being brainwashed. Its difficult to have an educated debate with someone who refuses to, and or acknowledge the fact that there are more than one side to every story and somewhere in the middle lies the truth. So next time you’d like to debate such things may I suggest you listen to both sides of the issue, get the “real” facts, then come to your own personal conclusion. Otherwise your ramblings sound like they do here. Narrow minded & immature.

Posted 18 years 3 weeks ago by chazz

chazz's picture

Good rant, mapartti. However, we were discussing how contributors to this site curse. Not the Dixie chicks.

Posted 18 years 3 weeks ago by Larry in Texas

Larry in Texas's picture

What cursing are you Bushbots speaking about??.Natalie Manes said she was "ashamed" that Bush was from her state of Texas. That was a curse???? I am ashamed that he is from the US!!!Was it OK for Dick Cheney to tell Patrick Leahy to "F..K off". Cheney not only admitted he said this, he gloated about it.Was it OK for the president to call Adam Clymer a reporter a first class As....e??That is not cursing????...on air so I and millions could hear this. TSK, TSK...you Bushbots must now castigate those swearing Republicans Bush and Cheney..and I agree with you.Everyone in a free society has the right to voice their opinions, as long as they are not terroristic, or possibly a danger.

Posted 18 years 3 weeks ago by mapartti

mapartti's picture

Here Here Broxmom! Well said.....I too believe that cursing is a sign of lack of intellengence, sometimes it's all that some will accept as the gospel. That said, this subject is now closed.

Posted 18 years 4 weeks ago by Larry in Texas

Larry in Texas's picture

I was glad to hear all these different opinions but why do some of these people get so vicious about President Bush? This is about the Dixie Chicks making statements against America ,not just against Bush. Texas is part of America,and I love ALL of America,unlike the Dixie Chicks, I guess. And I wouldn't be too proud to have daughters emulating Ms. Mane. Of course, I am probably older then most here and don't think cursing is real classy or intelligent,for that matter.These artists have the same rights as anyone else,no more ,no less. But they should expect the consequences of their free speech, just like the rest of us. And until someone else is ELECTED President , I will back our President. I stood by Bill Clinton,also, since the majority of my fellow Americans elected him. That is democracy.

Posted 18 years 4 weeks ago by bronxmom

bronxmom's picture

Dear idiot Chazz, When wingnuts go wild they always attack Clinton. Jealous of his manly attractions are you. He was a bad boy to Hillary, but he was a great president. Who care s about his personal peccadilloes( too big a word for you little genius)..what was wrong with 20 million new jobs, low inflation, a reversal of the deficit to a surplus, peace, prosperity, the creation of peace in Bosnia, and the end of Serb atrocities in Kosovo., Secrets to North Korea..what crap....did you make that up. Under Bush the crazy North Koreans have created 3 more nuclear weapons. Good job commander-in-chief. Yes Bush was such a hero he stayed out of the Vietnam war by pretending to be in the Texas Air national guard that daddy got him into. Yes then your hero was AWOL..and failed to take his medical exam and was grounded. Bush has admitted this. Your hero is a coward.And a liar...he lied to take us into a disastrous war..cost us 300 Billion dollars. Your hero Bush should make you proud since true conservatives do NOT believe in nation building. But I guess Bush is truly destroying the nation of Iraq, a country that never attacked us, and had no WMD, or connection to 9/11 or Osama. Bush has said this himself...your hero, the worst President in our history. He should be impeached Clinton was impeached, but idiot Chazz.... he was acquitted in the Senate. If you believe in the rule of law that means he did not commit an impeachable crime...it was a strictly a Republican partisan attack. I hope we can return the favour and impeach Bush.

Posted 18 years 4 weeks ago by mapartti

mapartti's picture

Once again, well said Chazz. Bronxmom.....No she's not married to an Iranian. She married a very good personal friend of mine from Austin. However, even with that fete, she's not the brightest bulb in the package. This site is intended, I think, for free speech, and by golly there's plenty of that in here. Hostile comments only draw other hostile comments.I don't like the Chicks, not because of what they say, but when they say it. Let the dumb c**ts say what they want outside, before the concert. After it begins and the house is packed with people who PAID TO HEAR THEM SING shut up and sing! You hear politics all day. I'll be damned if I'm gonna pay to hear more of it.

Posted 18 years 4 weeks ago by Larry in Texas

Larry in Texas's picture

Way to go, Chaz! The Dixie Chicks, in either the looks or talent department, are not too special but add that to the fact that they are politically treasonous and I would say their careers are about over. By the way, is it true that Natalie is married to an Iranian and ,if so, why isn't that made public? Couldn't she find a good old country boy with enough money?

Posted 18 years 4 weeks ago by bronxmom

bronxmom's picture

screen name: mapartti (2)posted on 20/04/2006 01:29comments: Dear idiot Chazz, I am certain my education, profession and mental ability is a light year above yours. You are entitled as a right to express yourself as you have done. I not only disagree totally with your opinion but think you express yourself in a deprecating ,hostile, nasty and arrogant manner. Arrogance and ignorance, a great confluence. And I don't care if you don't care what I think. I wanted to express my love of the Chicks, both for their artistry and for their willingness to be good citizens and say the truth about the worst president in our history, and by extension to the millions of moron-Americans who were duped into voting for him...like you Chazz. Well, you may believe with personal certainty that your education, profession and mental state are 5.87 Billion miles above mine. That’s clearly your opinion, and you are entitled to it, however ludicrous it may be. I believe your upset at the fact I speak the truth. The hostile, arrogant, and nasty responses I write are designed that way. None of what I have written was false. In fact any statements I made that reference the Dixie Chicks is 100% factual. Not speculation or some half c**ked conspiracy theory that you seem to cling to. As for expressing your love for theses so called entertainers, go for it. I also have the right to express my loathing of them. As vile as my comments are, I’ll stand by them, and knowing that they bother people like you, makes it all the better. As for who the worst President of this Country is, it most certainly is not our current Commander in Chief. Not by a long shot; May I remind you which President gave nuclear secrets to the North Koreans. Also who was the President who not only committed adultery in the Oval Office, but used an intern as a human Humidor. Not to mention the fact that he managed to stain this woman’s dress with his DNA. Shall I go on? Oh yea, wasn’t he also Impeached? There’s a candidate for the worst President if you ask me. Oh yea, did I fail to mention that he also had Osama in the crosshairs of a Cruise missile? I think you know what he did with that predicament. By the way, childish name calling wont win you anything.

Posted 18 years 4 weeks ago by chazz

chazz's picture

Dear idiot Chazz, I am certain my education, profession and mental ability is a light year above yours. You are entitled as a right to express yourself as you have done. I not only disagree totally with your opinion but think you express yourself in a deprecating ,hostile, nasty and arrogant manner. Arrogance and ignorance, a great confluence. And I don't care if you don't care what I think. I wanted to express my love of the Chicks, both for their artistry and for their willingness to be good citizens and say the truth about the worst president in our history, and by extension to the millions of moron-Americans who were duped into voting for him...like you Chazz.

Posted 18 years 4 weeks ago by mapartti

mapartti's picture

Well said Chaz. But everyone is intitled to an opinion just like everyone is intitled to an asshole. Unfortunatly some of those opinions come from the very orafice I speak of. If the Chicks would leave their politics at home when they charge you an arm and a leg for their concert they would be great entertainers. As political hacks they just don't cut it. With that all said and done...Who really cares?

Posted 18 years 4 weeks ago by Larry in Texas

Larry in Texas's picture

screen name: ecl uk ( 1)posted on 19/04/2006 16:44comments: i think that everyone is entitled to an opinion and that people should stand up a shout for what they believe in ; public figures more so. Maybe there is a lesson to learn here and we should all step back and think who the real trators are; the people who stand for peace, the people who stand for illegal wars and dictatorship hidden in a democratic world, or the people who are so brainwashed by the globalisation of the american dream that they forget what is real. I don’t disagree with people having the right to their own opinion. However standing up and shouting about what they believe in has an appropriate time and place. These three dimwits chose poorly. As for public figures having more entitlement to “voice” their opinion is nuts. Give me one good reason why you believe a “public figure” should be entitled to voice their opinion on matters that are clearly beyond their comprehension. In my opinion, every time I hear one of these diluted public figures speak like this, they loose all credibility. However there is no harm if their opinion was of a positive nature, regardless of the topic. But then again, it wouldn’t make the news now would it? Your right, we should all step back….way back as to attempt to get a look at the BIG PICTURE before throwing stones. Once you get back enough to actually see everything, you’ll soon find out that no matter how hard you throw your stones…they’ll never hit their mark. I suppose that’s why “public figures” like these 3 do as they do….a complete lack of vision.

Posted 18 years 4 weeks ago by chazz

chazz's picture

i think that everyone is entitled to an opinion and that people should stand up a shout for what they believe in ; public figures more so. Maybe there is a lesson to learn here and we should all step back and think who the real trators are; the people who stand for peace, the people who stand for illegal wars and dictatorship hidden in a democratic world, or the people who are so brainwashed by the globalisation of the american dream that they forget what is real.

Posted 18 years 4 weeks ago by ecl uk

ecl uk's picture

I used to enjoy the Chicks. But when I go to a concert I intend to be entertained, not lectured to. I don't care about their polical leanings or views....no one does. I wish they would just shut the hell up (when they're charging you an arm and a leg to get in) and just sing.

Posted 18 years 1 month ago by Larry in Texas

Larry in Texas's picture

I think people get their panties in a wad. Everyone has the right to speak their mind- it is America after all. I am a moderate liberal who respects the chicks for standing up and speaking their mind. It is not OK what is going on in our country right now. It is down right scary. I value an artist for their music, not for their beliefs. People are too close minded. That is what's wrong with this country. Everyone wants to judge others. Let bygones be bygones! I love the new song and I can't wait to buy their new CD since they actually have talent, unlike the one note wonder Toby Keith. So I say-YOU GO GIRLS!

Posted 18 years 1 month ago by twoshoes1979

twoshoes1979's picture

I am ashamed of the Dixie Chicks, and I didn't like them BEFORE they trashed our President on foreign soil. It's called TREASON, they should be locked up. These anti-war types are NOT anti-war, they are PRO WAR for the terrorists, see how they would thrive under Sharia Law after mutilation.

Posted 18 years 1 month ago by aflyonthewall

aflyonthewall's picture

screen name: mapartti.......... I'm sure, Due to the fact that you lack the capacity to write beyond the 4th grade level, you also haven’t got the ability to read as well. Seems to me like you should take a couple classes. May I suggest reading comprehension and math. Now perhaps you should re-read the post I made reference to in my prior post. If my writings make you sick, and your opinion of me is "disgusting", that’s fine with me. I'm not out to make friends, or have everyone like me. I'm only stating my opinion. If you don't like what I have to say, fine, I don't really care. Fact of the matter is, Truth hurts.

Posted 18 years 1 month ago by chazz

chazz's picture

The people like Chazz who write such vile and moronic posts are so unbelievable to me. How can an adult brain be so totally screwed up so up is down, and 2+2=5.He is disgusting.

Posted 18 years 1 month ago by mapartti

mapartti's picture

Dearest little DixieFan,Yes, what ever did happen to freedom of speech? Well here it is, live & well, *deep breath* nice isn’t it? We all have the right to exercise our freedoms. These dopes (Dixie chicks) chose to exercise them with poor judgment. As for our President, I believe for the moment he is “more special”, hell he’s the President of the United States, if that’s not special…what the hell is? I’m not saying he has any special privileges when it comes to the “freedom of speech” by the way…he does not.As for you being a single mom with 4 kids under the age of 6. I can only imagine how that happened. Perhaps you’re a bit free with that crack between your legs, or if they were all spawned from the same father, I suspect he got totally sick of you and left…or killed himself. Either way, I don’t care. See I’m exercising my freedom of speech…nice isn’t it?I’ll also bet if you knocked on a few doors you’d find a few others that believe what you believe also…all be it, a very few others. Please remind me when and where our President stated that “war will fix our problems? I don’t believe he ever said that. How ever, when a tyrant refused to comply with 14 resolutions to refrain from acquiring and or manufacturing WMD’s someone has to step up. Tell me did you expect France to do it? Hell no, they were bathing in Iraqi oil while we were trying to enforce the oil for food program…Am I jogging your memory a bit here? Perhaps not, people with small minds have a difficult time with issues that may contradict their belief. May I also remind you that between Pres. Bush Sr. and Pres Bush Jr. we had a sex crazed buffoon running this country. You should also be reminded that slick willie had the means and the opportunity to take Osama out? He didn’t, do you remember why? Yea, he was staining an interns dress. At least now we have a President who stands his ground and wont back down. Unlike good ole willie, “lets take a poll” and see how the people feel…what should we do to mask this problem…Yea good ole willie.You can support the DixieDicks all you want. Personally I don’t give a damn, I’ll likely change the radio station if I hear them there. If I continue to hear them on that station…it will no longer be listened to by me. But then again…that’s me exercising my freedom to choose.By the way, I don’t hate the DixieDicks, I despise them. That would be me thinking for myself, No one told me to dislike them. I came to my own conclusion about them. It just so happens that my feeling for them is popular. Also I don’t believe I read a single post about anyone feeling sorry for our President. I do how ever support him. Perhaps its you who should be saving your money for therapy instead of wasting money on albums by people who disrespect our country.I hope you do teach your children right form wrong, but I think you better figure it out for yourself first. Because if you don’t your children will be no better than you. Such a shame really, to think that you’d allow your children to emulate the DixieDicks.PS. Instead of watching Fahrenheit 911 and actually believing it, you might want to try and think for yourself. Have a nice day.

Posted 18 years 1 month ago by chazz

chazz's picture

What ever happend to FREEDOM OF SPEACH? Mr. Bush is not any more special then you or me just because he is the President. I am a single mom with 4 kids undre the age of 6 and I bet I run my white house better then he runs his. I bet if we where to go and knock on a few doors others would feel the same way. I agree with what Natalie Maines said, I would be ashamed to say that I come from the same place as a man that thinks war will fix our problemes. Don’t you find it ironic that when the first Mr. Bush was President we went to war then Bush Jr. comes along and surprise we are off to war again. I will keep on supporting the Dixie Chicks on there journey to keep the music going and I know I won’t be the only one. I hope that all you Dixie Chicks haters out there will learn to think for yourself and stop feeling sorry for that poor old President Bush, I am sure he has enought money to pay for some therapy to fix is ego. Remember that we all have the FREEDOM OF SPEACH and if the President or other ignorant people out there don’t like it then that is to bad for them. I am teaching my kids right from wrong and to speak there mind and I refuse to ever let anyone tell them that what they feel or think is wrong. I hope that my children will grow up to be strong like the Dixie Chicks.P.S. Instead of sending everyone else’s kids to war so you, Mr. President and the other members of the White House play golf, why don’t you and your children put on those beautiful army colors and pick up a gun and fight the war yourself.

Posted 18 years 1 month ago by DixieFan

DixieFan's picture

Your comments were:She is speaking out against the hypocrisy of people sending her deaththreatsfor speaking her mind- how is sending viscious mail and death threats Ok,butpublicly speaking out against something you think is unjust, not ok?lyrics-It's a sad sad story when a mother will teach herDaughter that she ought to hate a perfect strangerAnd how in the world can the words that I saidSend somebody so over the edgeThat they'd write me a letterSaying that I better shut up and singOr my life will be overThose of you that say "shut up and sing" are well, RUDE- so why is THATOK?what gives you the right to speak to someone that way? If you don't likehersentiments- fine, don't buy the album, switch the channel, come on here andsayI disagree because.... But resorting to rudness and name calling , bringsyoudown to the same level you are accusing the chicks of being on.As for the Entertainment aspect- What the Hell are we supposed to singABOUT?for centuries people have used music as an outlet to express their ownpolitical, religious, and moral beliefs. Symphonies speaking out againstcommunism, african american spirituals providing hope to the oppressed,folksingers of the sixty's singing their own personal views about the drugs,warand racial tentions. Music/art / dance have long been a forum for personal expression, and the day that someone has to shut up, sing and entertain youis a sad day indeed. Music of substance "speaks" to people, it's about something-it may not be your taste , and that's ok, but it will appeal to someone.Let'ssee you pick up a guitar and write a song about something you really careabout- it's a lot harder than it looks!...and for the record, I think the DC's are extremely talented and I wishthemwell with their new album!

Posted 18 years 1 month ago by misscanuck

misscanuck's picture

She is speaking out against the hypocrisy of people sending her death threats for speaking her mind- how is sending viscious mail and death threats Ok, but publicly speaking out against something you think is unjust, not ok? lyrics-It’s a sad sad story when a mother will teach herDaughter that she ought to hate a perfect strangerAnd how in the world can the words that I saidSend somebody so over the edgeThat they’d write me a letterSayin’ that I better shut up and singOr my life will be overThose of you that say "shut up and sing" are well, RUDE- so why is THAT OK? what gives you the right to speak to someone that way? If you don't like her sentiments- fine, don't buy the album, switch the channel, come on here and say I disagree because.... But resorting to rudness and name calling , brings you down to the same level you are accusing the chicks of being on. As for the Entertainment aspect- What the Hell are we supposed to sing ABOUT? for centuries people have used music as an outlet to express their own political, religious, and moral beliefs. Symphonies speaking out against communism, african american spirituals providing hope to the oppressed, folk singers of the sixty's singing their own personal views about the drugs, war and racial tentions. Music/art / dance have long been a forum for personal expression, and the day that someone has to shut up, sing and entertain you is a sad day indeed. Music of substance "speaks" to people, it's about something- it may not be your taste , and that's ok, but it will appeal to someone. Let's see you pick up a guitar and write a song about something you really care about- it's a lot harder than it looks!...and for the record, I think the DC's are extremely talented and I wish them well with their new album!

Posted 18 years 1 month ago by misscanuck

misscanuck's picture

i think the dixie chicks have the right to speak their mind and they shouldnt have to go throught what everyone has been saying because not alot of people like george bush anyways and they have been playing since i was little and ive loved their music so will people please stop harassing them

Posted 18 years 1 month ago by mhmh

mhmh's picture

This songs reminds of me of when Elton John released "I'm Still Standing" years ago when the public and industry had backed away from him after it became known that he was bisexual. I rarely by new CDs but I will be in the stores on May 23rd for this one. I think the song and performance are amazing. I can understand why someone who has conservative views wouldn't buy this, but you can still appreciate the talent of these ladies. I think Toby Keith is a right-wing nut job, and I don't buy his CDs, but I still enjoy his music and think he's one hell of a singer/songwriter.

Posted 18 years 1 month ago by calicocat

calicocat's picture

It's nice to see that the DIxie CHicks are back so that I can ignore them some more. I do not have a problem with their ability to speak out but they must understand that I also have a right to not listen to their music. I wish people would speak out more by going to the ballot box instead of when they have a microphone in their hand and a captive audience. I am also glad to see their lyrics so I can see how they feel about me as they are not willing to forgive. It looks like they aree leaving the country music scene according to their website. I am sorry we made you famous and then you drop us like a rock because we spoke up against you.

Posted 18 years 1 month ago by jw1885

jw1885's picture

As usual, Southern women are to be seen and not heard, right? Perhaps you all lost THE war for a reason.Dixie Chicks Rock! But we know how hard it is in the South to love a woman with brains. After all, if she ain't barefoot and pregers, or supporting your sorry ass, what good is she, right all you southern gentlemen...Thought for the day: Invite an elected official to lunch, then make him pay.:0)

Posted 18 years 1 month ago by PictureThis

PictureThis's picture

Best release ever for Dixie Chicks. Nice to see artist making social statements via lyrics that have meaning. Thumbs up !!

Posted 18 years 1 month ago by BJL

BJL's picture

o-fish-l ( 1) posted on 11/03/2006 17:40 comments: Why does the media never mention that Natalie Maines is married to an Iranian?The reason the media never mentioned that Natalie is married to an Iranian is because it is not an accurate statement. she is married to actor Adrian Pasdar, who was born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts and educated at the University of Central Florida. Adrian's father is Iranian and is an doctor in Philadelphia who has been in this country for over 45 years. Adrian's mother is of German decent. So based on these facts it would make Adrian an American. What is scary is statements are made with complete inaccuracy in order to make a point, even if the point is untrue. Some of us find a half truth and decide to extol them as complete facts. Incidently, Dr. Homayoon Pasdar, Natalie's father-in-law, is a contributor to the National Republican Committee, according to public records.

Posted 18 years 1 month ago by Paperchick

Paperchick's picture

You know what bothers me most about this whole thing? On one hand you have people who support the president and the war - a war that is supposed to fight for people's rights to democracy and freedom. Well the Dixie Chicks should have the freedom to say what they want. We may not all agree, but those of you who support the war and the fight for freedom, you must realize that you are supporting the right for people like the Natalie Maines to say what she wants.If we suddenly persecute, and issue death threats to people who voice thier opinions, then we are no better than the terrorists. If you hate the Dixie Chicks because of thier comments, then you in a way are also against the fight for freedom. You are supposedly fighting for freedom and democracy, but you are condeming someone is excersizing the rights you are fighting for....think about it...I for one will for sure buy the CD, it's a great song, take away all the baggage behind it and listen to the song, it's very well written, and I can't get enough of it!

Posted 18 years 1 month ago by bennyboy

bennyboy's picture

OK Im gonna buy the cd.Im sick of the fact that instead of just liking their music people have to hate them for what they say.Ever heard of free speech?I think they were right and now half of america does, Bush is down in ratings lately.Does no one see he is doing wrong and is an idiot.Everyone just masks his screw ups by saying people arent supporting our troops.Well I support the troops but I DO NOT support Bush.Iam sure that is the same thing the Dixie Chicks were tring to get across,But all these conservatives just keep believeing him because they cant think for themselves and because he used Gods word to get votes.Go Dixie Chicks Ive been a fan and now Im an even bigger one because they arent afraid to say how they feel.

Posted 18 years 1 month ago by gemmind

gemmind's picture

Go Chicks excercise your first amendment rights. I have supported the Dixie Chicks from the beginning. I am also a country music dj in Florida. The radio staion I was at dropped the Chicks from the playlist. A newspaper reporter asked me my opinion on the banning of the Dixie Chicks songs. I said"I am against all forms of censorship,it is un-american". I was put on a thirty day probation. the owner said it was for something else. I found out it was my quote in the local paper,that landed me on probation. This americawe have the right to say what we want. Natilie said they were ashamed he is from Texas. After the 2000 election Gore was ahead 500,000 votes when they stopped the Florida re-count. A half a million are ashamed he is our president. I'll go one further he is stupid and dick Chene's puppet to help his rich friends.Gary

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Gary Blues

Gary Blues's picture

what it is is wonderful beautiful music!!..it could be about a love affair gone bad, a divorce, a murder, a death, a fight with a best friend...or none of the above....i find it to have lyrics to make me think...and a melody that haunts..and i welcome them back with open arms ..and i am not alone

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by chrissygil

chrissygil's picture

Bravo to the Dixie Chicks!How many times to do you turn to the radio, hear a song and then decide whether you like it or not? Those artists are not true artists as they only gain your attention for 30 seconds to a minute of one day. The Dixie Chicks represent true art. They are controversial and have kept you active for three years since speaking their mind in London.I absolutely love the fact that these women are being defiant against the president, one that I never gained my vote.It’s truly amazing how an artist can express the views of many people and piss you off so emotionally that you burn their CDs and merchandise, stop supporting them and turn your back on their music, past and present alike.However, you have this egotistical president that isn’t thinking twice about killing off Americans under the pretense of war and you are quick and eager to defend, protect and support him.Perhaps the only solution is for you to join the war (Operation Save My Face and Find some Weapons of Mass Destruction or I will have to find another country to attack and fabricate a new story that you will believe) and I will remain at home supporting anti-war efforts that try to save more Americans from being killed under the guise of war.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Noblebrat

Noblebrat's picture

The "Chicks" pathetic last effort for publicity.....how BORrrrrING.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by PopSyclToz

PopSyclToz's picture

Good on the Dixie Chicks! If the only people in the United States with enough intelligence and integrity to realise that the country is in a world of sht and the current administration is beaucoup responsible are actors and singers than so be it. As for those who want to listen to music and watch films that don't express an opinion they can always listen to teeney bop pop and watch re-runs of the Micky Mouse Club.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by seamoremonster

seamoremonster's picture

The last time I looked around this was still the land of the free and the brave... hmmmmm first ammendment freedom of speech, they have the right to their own opinion ,maybe it is not like yours. I voted for George Bush - however I do not agree with everything the does and/or says. We all have the right to make a living too. The Dixie Chicks sing, they sing well. If you like country music then they are very entertaining.I love all music.I am thrilled that the girls are not backing down on this. They need to stand up for what they believe, if they feel they are right then NO-ONE can tell them you have no right to feel that way.I have always taught my children that they do not always have to agree with everything I tell them to do, they could give me reasons why they should or should'nt do something. I would listen and if the made their case well I overturned my descision, and I did do that from time to time.We all make our own choices... you make yours let the rest of the people make theirs and for heavens sake let George Bush and the Dixie Chicks work out their own thing!!!!!!!

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Funny Farmer

Funny Farmer's picture

I don't know why these Hollywood and other famous people think we care or want to hear what they think about political issues. If I pay to go to a concert I want to see them act or perform not give me their opinion and what they think I should believe. I have found that most of these type people are not very well informed anyway and don't live in the real world with the rest of us. I think the chicks as well as others have permanently ruined their careers by trying to use their popularity to push their views and ideas, many of which are not even theirs, they have been lobbied by political activists to make statements or have been made to believe that they are doing a great service by making this statements. I was willing to give them a second chance if they would have just dropped the issue and do what they do best SING and PLAY MUSIC but after listening to the debut song they won't get a penny from me with that attitude. I think they are going to really ruin what little career they had left.- gadget

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by gadget1000

gadget1000's picture

I have NO party Affiliations, I vote for whom I think will do the best Job of running the U.S.of A. Period. I have voted both republican & democrat. I dont care for some of what bush has done. Didn't like some of what clinton did. But with what we had to choose from Bush made the most sense the last 2 elections. I DID NOT like Gore. Sure as HELL didnt Trust Kerry. Just for the Record I feel we Have to clean out the terrorist's & finish up in Iraq. But I sure DON'T like how it is being handled.!!! We Have lost too many American service men & women. It Needs to be done Faster & HARDER , March from one end to the other & kill everyone & everything that resist's Then Get Our Troops HOME. Hector What ARE you Smokeing? you are WAYYYYYYY out There man. A Revolution is not the way to fix things As far as the Dixie Sluts are concerned they screwed up in several ways. Speaking out against the War & bush is tolerable, but BY GOD You had better support the TROOPS, & they didn't at first. Then the lead singer got in a Public Pissing Match with Toby Kieth, which with his PRO support The TROOPS Attatude they lost lots of fans. Then They Made The Final mistake by being in a ANTI FUR ADD!! Most Of us Country boys Hunt & Fish. That got the few fans they had left, pissed us Country boys right off.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Hrenegade

Hrenegade's picture

But what about the children!?!? Seriously people, this about a juvenile singer who can't get her butt off her shoulders...Vanilla ice cream or chocolate? Oh.. my.. gawd... Doesn't EVERYONE know that BOOO$H and HALLIBURTON control the vanilla-bean market? Or that "the gayzes" have an AGENDA to promote chocolate in the 'burbs?The Dixie Who? as if...

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by EvilElvis

EvilElvis's picture

"I deal in public service and if I lectured my customers the way these entertainers do, I'd be fired!"AMEN! We don't need to be lectured by condescending celebrities in their $5000 Armani suits, $30,000 gowns and matching $500,000 jewels. George Clooney & Natalie Maines may be proud to be out of touch with the rest of the country, but, in fact they are quite out of touch with reality!

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by glassa

glassa's picture

I wouldn't walk across the street to see them. Ever since that big mouth dissed Texas and the President and country music fans, etc., I just got fed up with them. I gave their CD to the dog and vowed never to see them again, and it has been easy to do. They SUCK!!

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Biscuit

Biscuit's picture

Time for someone to get back on his meds...

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Jack_DeWalt

Jack_DeWalt's picture

And one more thing, skee...You wrote: "What the hell does this statement have to do with anything? Do you think the Dixie Chicks belong to the Democrapic Party."Well, they did campaign for Kerry, and I don't think there's any big question about who they voted for (if they bothered to vote), so yeah.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Jack_DeWalt

Jack_DeWalt's picture

skeezix,I'm not really sure what planet you're on, dude. Maybe you aren't a liberal, but I don't frankly care. Your ideas are still way, way out there in Michael Mooresville. Or maybe you identify more with David Duke, who is sounding like a Moore clone these days. Whatever. It's your ideas that earn you a spot in the nutters' brigade. If I run around yelling, "Beware of the space monkeys!", does that make me liberal or conservative? Who cares? My rhetoric at that point would put me in a distinct class of nutjobs, no matter what party they claimed.Maybe being against W does not make you a liberal, but being against him because he's "destroying America," ending liberty as we know it, and selling the White House off to Dick Cheney's Halliburton zombie corps makes you a certifiable loon. Such talk reminds me of the kooks who claimed Bill Clinton was running drugs and using the Arkansas state patrol to carry out hit jobs.In a free society, political action happens through political parties, thus political discussions invariably turn partisan. If you were to poll the Bush defenders on this board, probably none of them would be thrilled with him on all counts. Yes, spending is out of control, the borders are porous, and Bush sometimes acts like a closeted liberal. As I alluded to in an earlier post, Bush's approval numbers are down in large part because he has alienated his base on many important issues. But were libs thrilled with Clinton's signing of welfare reform? Hell, no. Life is not perfect, and sometimes you have to take what you can get. And for all the things he's screwing up on, the war on terror is not one of them.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Jack_DeWalt

Jack_DeWalt's picture

'The Democrapic Party is truly the party of the weak, lazy, stupid and unproductive.' What the hell does this statement have to do with anything? Do you think the Dixie Chicks belong to the Democrapic Party. Jack Dewalt thinks I am a liberal (very, very wrong), and thinks I get ideas from Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan (who, by the way is not a Dem). This debate was supposed to be about the Dixie Chicks comments and lyrics denouncing Bush. Every single person on this site who turned this debate into a forum to launch the usual barbs at liberals/Democrats or Republicans show yourselves to be ignorant sheep. Being against W does not equal being partisan. You are more concerned with the other party than the reality of the situation. I truly do not understand it and I have fears that this nation will go down because of it. Every debate seems to get infected with partisans, and the issue in the forefront gets lost. The juvenile insults are always the same and produce nothing of substance.You people are being used by the two parties for thier benefit. The real issues that affect the people are the ones that the Federal Government works in bipartisan agreement. They don't even make the back pages of the paper, you have to dig to find them. The ones that get reported the loudest are the ones politicians could care less about and really have no business debating. The whole thing is a sham, but it serves their purposes at the expense of everything America values. You are blind and cannot open your eyes.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by skeezix

skeezix's picture

honeymonkey,No, that's exactly what they believe (that you don't have the right to not buy the Chicks' cds). When this controversy first broke a couple of years ago, numerous liberals (especially on the Chicks' forum) said it was morally repugnant and a violation of free speech rights for conservatives to try to "punish" the Chicks financially by not buying their music.You are more right than you probably know when you call libs "unproductive." In the 2004 election, Bush won 24 of the 25 states with the highest birth rates; Kerry won the 15 states with the lowest birth rates. The "blue states" have such low birth rates that if they were their own separate nation, they would be reduced to about six old geezers in two generations. The new slogan of the Democratic Party should be: "We love porn, but hate kids."

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Jack_DeWalt

Jack_DeWalt's picture

It doesn't matter how many times it is repeated, the brain dead liberals will ignore the facts every time and try (in vain) to claim that the right is against free speech. I haven't seen one post here from someone with a right wing point of view that states such. Chubby has every right to bad mouth Bush (and every right to cry like a pig on national t.v. that she didn't mean it, and every right to badmouth him again as soon as his poll numbers go down). Now liberals, (and I know that you hate that word) do we have the right (as my wife and I have done) to decide on our own that we don't want to buy any more of their c.d.s and concert tickets? If so, shut up! That is all we are saying. We have no interest in giving our money to these traitors any more. Let Natalie keep running her mouth and let her career keep plummeting. She is still young, yet she is already a has-been.Liberals are idiots, pure and simple. When Hollywood clowns such as Martin Sheen (denied admission to Dayton College) call GWB (with degrees from Harvard and Yale) a moron it just proves that the truth means nothing to liberals. The Democrapic Party is truly the party of the weak, lazy, stupid and unproductive.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by honeymonkey

honeymonkey's picture

skeezix,It is difficult if not impossible to have reasoned debate with someone who accuses me of being a member of Fox-watching "sheeple," but bolsters his arguments with demented talking points stolen from Michael Moore-on and Cindy Sheehan.The pro-democracy movements in the Middle East are real, and you sound just a tad silly denying their existence. The Orange Revolution happened. The Cedar Revolution happened. Egypt did, in fact, have multi-party elections. Yes, the Palestinians elected Hamas; perhaps they will make a better and smarter choice next time. For now, they will pay the price for their stupidity, just as Austria did when they elected Kurt Waldheim.Your whole "why do they hate us?" spiel is just tiresome. Lefties just grab whatever argument is convenient at the moment. When explaining al-Qaida, it's supposedly our fault for supporting tyrannical regimes in the past. Yet we supported those regimes in an effort to contain even more tyrannical and dangerous regimes such as the Soviet Union. But in the prelude to the Iraq war, liberals insisted we could "contain" Saddam by playing nice with... other tyrannical Middle Eastern regimes. Many liberals bash Bush for not putting together a "grand coalition" like his father did in the Persian Gulf war. But Bush pere's coalition was glued together by making deals with the devil; Syria supported the first war because we agreed to look the other way and let them retain control of Lebanon. Yet such actions are precisely the kinds of things that libs then turn around and blame for "causing" terrorism. It's a circular argument, but it always comes back to the same thing: Whatever happens, America is to blame. We can never grovel enough, appease enough, self-flagellate enough, prostrate ourselves enough before the world's assorted kleptocrats and thug dictators to please the left.Listen to Osama? He's still blubbering on about "the tragedy of Andalusia" -- that is, the end of Muslim rule in Spain in 1492. (I'm sure it was all America's fault for having the gall to be discovered that year.) That's 512 years ago, but the al-Qaida guys are in no mood to (as the Democrats used to urge Republicans in the Clinton impeachment era) "move on". After half a millennium, even Paula Jones would have thrown in the towel, but not these guys. They're still settling scores from the 15th century. They might not get around to Johnny-come-lately grievances such as Iraq until the early 2600s.Old-school terrorists have relatively viable goals: They want a Basque state or Northern Ireland removed from the UK. You might not agree with these goals, you might not think them negotiable, but at least they're not stark staring insane. That kind of finely calibrated terrorism -- just enough slaughter to inconvenience the state into concessions -- is all but over. Today's lefties confuse old-school terrorism -- blowing the legs off grannies as a means to an end -- with the new: blowing the legs off grannies is the end. As the PR guy for the Islamic Army of Aden said after blowing up a French tanker a couple of years ago: "We would have preferred to hit a US frigate, but no problem because they are all infidels." If Islamic terrorism were as rational as Irish or Basque terrorism, it would be easier. But Hussein Massawi, former leader of Hezbollah, summed it up very pithily: "We are not fighting so that you will offer us something. We are fighting to eliminate you." You can be pro-America (Britain, Australia) or anti-America (France, Canada), but if you broke into the head cave in the Hindu Kush and checked out the hit list you'd be on it either way. So the choice for pluralist democracies is simple: You can join Bush in taking the war to the terrorists, to their redoubts and sponsoring regimes. Despite the sneers that terrorism is a phenomenon and you can't wage war against a phenomenon, in fact you can -- as the Royal Navy did very successfully against the malign phenomena of an earlier age, piracy and slavery. Or you can stick your head in the sand and paint a burqa on your butt. But they'll blow it up anyway.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Jack_DeWalt

Jack_DeWalt's picture

Jack,Nazis were considered by most to be fascists, not socialists. Fascism is considered by most to be on the far right. You and I agree on my main point, that it is irrelevant if they are far left or far right, what matters the most is that they are both highly authoritarian - they intrude on every facet of life, and do not tolerate dissent of any kind. I don't have to elaborate on the consequences of that dissent. 9/11 was the reward for years of interference into the politics of the Mideast. We (by 'we' I mean the government) have supported corrupt and brutal regimes in the Middle East, such as Saddam, and brought down democratically elected leaders. We have supported Israel's persecution of the Palestinians, as well as supplied them with high tech military equipment (even nukes). We have turned our heads as genocides occurred (Kurds). There are many other legitimate grievances, listen (for once) to the remarks of Bin Laden. It is not 'giving in' to the terrorists, but the only way to end terrorism. The government's number one priority in foreign affairs should be to prevent the death of Americans. Do you think that more money will enable the government to 'eliminate tyranny'? Do you think it is possible to prevent an attack by someone willing to kill themself without ruining the economy and/or becoming a totalitarian police state?Creating more terrorists than we have eliminated is not a shrill claim by some, but an actual evaluation by the military and the Pentagon. In fact, the state department admitted recently the fact that there are now multiples more terrorists than before the war. But you won't hear this on Fox or most other U.S. media for that matter. I don't know where you got your positive spun propaganda that you speak of, but it is in no way correct. Those 'pro-democracy movements' you say have been bolstered, have been minority funded by U.S. interests, have been few and far between, and have been far overshadowed by fundamental Islamic movements (driven by Bush and U.S. aggressive policies). Have you not noticed that the Bush administration was blindsided by the election of Hamas? Do you know that the Shia were elected in Iraq, the same group that runs Iran?The list goes on.If you watch Fox news to get this fairy-tale view, I know what your response is to me. You will call me a liberal traitor and other names and say that the whole world is against us and all of them hate us for our freedom and want to take over the world. I will say to you: enjoy your time of arrogant hubris, believe the latest administration propaganda of a democratic Middle Eastern utopia, and rant in like-minded unison with your statist sheeple about treasonous individuals who dare speak out about the 'great leader'.Just remember that when you live in a bankrupt, totalitarian, fascist police state, you were a cheerleader during its infancy and helped silence it's detractors. Just don't look for W, Cheney, Perle, Wolfie, Rumsfeld, et. al, because those America destroyers will be long gone.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by skeezix

skeezix's picture

skeezix,Please don't play dumb. The "Socialist" in National Socialist Party was not just a throwaway term like when the old commie regimes used to put "People's Democratic Republic" in their names. The Nazis were actual socialists -- government control of major industries, extensive welfare state, powerful state institutions reaching into every corner of society (even to the point of having an Aryan breeding program). Hitler hated the commies, but the two systems of government were really not that different.You wrote: "I think an armed policeman could do the job as well as a military pilot in a F-15 against Osama with a suitcase." Yeah, that's what Clinton thought, too (and Bush for eight months) -- our reward for this folly was 9/11.Terrorism is asymmetrical and therefore notoriously difficult to defeat, especially when fueled by a barbaric and degenerate culture. But thanks to the war on terror, thousands of terrorists are now dead and can do us no more harm. And despite the shrill claims by some that we are "creating more terrorists than we are killing," there is no actual evidence that this is true. Indeed, what we have seen over the past couple of years in the Middle East has been a gradual popular shift against the terrorists – al-Qaida's popularity is down, pro-democracy movements have been bolstered, and anti-terrorism protests are common. The Iraq war has also brought other benefits: Syria forced to withdraw from Lebanon, Libya voluntarily giving up the nuke program the CIA didn't even know they had, the Khan nuclear proliferation network exposed, and tentative steps toward democracy in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and other countries in the region.Europe used to think like you do, but they are finally starting to wake up and smell reality. Maybe you will, too, one day.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Jack_DeWalt

Jack_DeWalt's picture

To all the libs who keep spouting off about how Bush is the worst president ever, I have only one question:Given that Bush is so rotten, what does it say about how pathetic the left is that Bush -- despite having the IQ of a turnip -- still managed to spank your chosen-because-he-was-electable candidate in the last election?You can't beat something with nothing.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Jack_DeWalt

Jack_DeWalt's picture

It takes a special kind of self-absorbed, narcissistic loser to root for America's defeat just so they can be proven right, in their mind, about the advisability of going to war in the first place. But that's what the bitter-end lefties are all about. In their depraved world-view, success would be the worst possible outcome of America's effort in the Middle East. It would mean they were wrong about something, and that, my friends, is something the hardcore left will never, ever do under any circumstance. That is why to this day Alger Hiss was railroaded, Johnson's Great Society was a smashing success , and Stalin's gulag was a figment of Solzhenitsyn's imagination.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Shake

Shake's picture

The following are my favorite entertainers: Barbra Streisand, Dixie Chicks. and Green Day. What do they all have in common. They can see through Bush and his corrupt administration like a lace curtain. Good job girls. And as far as those idiots who think these ladies aren't popular, their last tour SOLD OUT. When was their last tour, three years ago, right after they spoke the truth in London about King George-after their CD's were burned!!!!

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by south dakota mom

south dakota mom's picture

Dixie who?

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by rastus03

rastus03's picture

Who on earth cares what the Dixie Chicks think? They should get over themselves. It seems like everyone else has.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Rocks50

Rocks50's picture

George W. Bush--saving your a$$ from terrorism, whether you like it or not. Yes, Natalie is free to spout anti-American rhetoric, and we are free to not buy the Dixie Chicks CD's. All her Hollywood liberalsupporters won't buy them, because they don't like country music.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by fairybee

fairybee's picture

Yankee one, have you ever heard of George Strait, Kevin Fowler, Zona Jones, LeeAnn Womack, or Aaron Watson? Sorry that you are stuck with the likes of Alanis Morrisette, 50cent and Pdiddy (or is it just diddy now?) But hey, now you may be able to get the newest Chicks cd.Jack Dewalt, Sorry I did not know that the women from the Pac Nw could be mistaken for a bovine. That is certainly unfortunate and the libs up there should give personal hygene another chance. Taking a shower is better than protesting for PETA anyday.Oregon Rancher, you have not wrote here in awhile, maybe you had a date last night with a holstein? Maybe you got lucky!Listen, I think most conservatives are not happy with President Bush lately. He certainly is not as conservative as I would like him to be, but he is far better than the alternatives we have had, namely Al Gore and John Kerry. The next election holds promise with the possiblity of Newt and some others running, not including John McCain. This country is conservative and always will be. We would not have had to suffer thru Clinton if it weren't for Perot. Many conservatives, wanting more conservatism than what President Bush 1 offered, siphoned off enough votes so that the schleekmiester could win. Clinton never received 50% or more of the vote in this country. "Adios Pervertido!" (english translation "Good bye Pervert")The culture war battles on, while the unwashed and uneducated, taking their marching orders from the rich and elite (Kerry, Soros, National media and Hollywood)are still losing and losing big. Their future looks grim because that is how they like it."99% of Democrats give the rest a bad name"

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Texas Rancher

Texas Rancher's picture

Shut up and sing!!! Why is it that every air head celeb thinks we give a flip about what they think about politics. I personally wouldn't play another one of the Dixie Chicks CDs if they wer giving them away. That doesn't say they don't have a right to say what they think and believe, just as I have the right to play OR not play what I want. I burned my copies of their originals long ago and have moved on to better things like Amber Digby.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by cloudbuster

cloudbuster's picture

"The Chicks are trying to educate some Americans"Maybe so, but IT IS NOT THEIR JOB TO EDUCATE US!!! Their job is to entertain us! When will the arrogant know-it-all jackasses in the entertainment industry realize they are NOT better than the rest of us?

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by glassa

glassa's picture

OK, Jack, so Hitler's party was the National Socialist Party, decidedly making him a leftist? So if he had named the party National Conservative Party, that would make him a right-winger? Well, I could ask you to evaluate the actions and determine from that, but that would be asking too much. It would also scare all of you statist Republicrats, because you would see that your President is a Liberal (the Dems would be scared to know he's one of them).I don't recall Kerry campaigning to fight terrorism as law enforcement. He lost because he was a dull crony from the east coast liberal establishment.Your comment on 'Osama with a suitcase nuke' failed to scare me. By the way, I think an armed policeman could do the job as well as a military pilot in a F-15 against Osama with a suitcase. Plus, there would not be any innocents killed in the process.Because terrorism is treated as a 'War', the government has been given a blank check (make that a credit card) and allowed to trash the Constitution. Terrorism in NO WAY is close to the threat dealt with during the cold war, but our politicians in concert with military contractors have paralyzed the country with fear. How much is enough? How do you know when you are winning against terrorism? Terrorism is just a tool used by people without state backing and terrorists are criminals best dealt with by the police. All during the cold war, an entire industry spent billions upon billions of your unaccountable dollars to build the greatest military machine the world has ever seen, and many people got very wealthy. The fear of mushroom clouds that kept the gravy flowing for 50 years ended with the crumbling of the Berlin Wall. This huge industry needed your fear to continue their income, and 9/11 came to their rescue. Now we fear shadowy figures that never quite materialize, and mysterious organizations that span the globe. We even have color codes to adjust our fears to unsourced intelligence.Because I love America, I despise the policies of W, and I would despise Kerry just as much if he betrayed this country like he probably would. So please, don't call me a leftist without looking at your leader and seeing how he is helping the Welfare/Warfare state increase while bankrupting the nation. Take your blinders off for a minute and see how far this country has gone downhill recently. Ask a foreigner if they see our government sliding into fascism (no, sorry, the world does not hate us for our freedom). But again, that would be asking too much of you, seeing as how much pleasure you get calling names playing your childish Left vs. Right games. And while you're playing, your corrupt Republicrat leaders sell the country out in bipartisan agreement.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by skeezix

skeezix's picture

Who cares who the Dixie Chicks are, or what they say? They're just ones of millions of people with opinions like the rest of us. They're no exception. So why do you lefties and righties HATE each other so much? It's not about politics, but about the ones who are pulling the politician's strings. Follow the money back to it's source. Stop allowing yourselfs to be orchestrated into conflicting positions from the news propaganda, it's destroying you. It's used to tell us what we're supposed to believe. We don't really know what's going on behind the political curtain, we're not allowed to see back there. That's not going to be on the news. The rich and powerful elite in the world make a lot of money from wars, civil unrest, natural and man-made disasters. The news media (which they own) helps them orchestrate the man-made disasters. It's their cattle prod, and we're the cattle. So let's quit HATING each other, because it's exactly the desired result they're hoping for. When people HATE and then commit crimes and kill one another, who do you think rushes in to "legally" steal the land and property of those thrown in jail? Who rushed in after Katrina and "legally" took possession of the land in New orleans and on the gulf coast? The banking system! Get it? As long as the electricity stays turned off, people can't go back to work, or go back to their homes to start cleaning up, because there is no power to help restore living conditions! They, the rich and powerful, through the media, have almost everyone doing exactly what they want us to think, say and do.Let's help each other, not HATE each other.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by 2cents Boy

2cents Boy's picture

Hey, all you Chicks-haters--get over it. NATALIE WAS RIGHT. The Iraq war is a disaster, going on 3 years old, that has cost us 2300 dead, brave soldiers, tens of thousands wounded, and $300 BILLION and counting. Your boy Bush's popularity is in the toilet--34% or so. What does he have to do for you to finally see the light? Eat babies on live TV while screwing a goat??? Bush is a total disaster for this country and it will take us years and $billions to clean up the stinking mess he and his misAdministration of incompetents have made.I can't wait to buy this album and predict it will be a BEST SELLER!!!

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by chix fan

chix fan's picture

Jack DeWalt - Well said, It is kind of tough for the libs to deal with reality and truth, Oops, I forgot, there is always the liberal truth. Lie, long and loud, about how the real Americans (conservatives) are everything bad, and it will become the truth. But I digress, good for the chicks, they can sell some lps to the libs and the country folks will have someone to focus their wrath on, so they can forget Tug's kid and airhead wife. I love freedom of speech, fun to see libs gripe when righties exercise this right to the detriment of the libs.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by mohammed al gore

mohammed al gore's picture

Wasn t it with tears and such that we were supposed to belive that Maynes was truly sorry for the treasonest comments that were made. And now she throws it back in everyones face that we were all just jerked around by the pixie dixs? Jeez, sounds to me that they are far more guilty of missleading the public as those they claim are. Step into the real world, just because you think you can sing, not everyone has the same opinion.Vote Republican the democ RATS can't

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by moose229

moose229's picture

It's fun to make fun of the clueless dipweeds, but in many ways, the rhetoric of people like skeezix is actually more dangerous because it sounds rational to some extent, as long as you don't think too much about it (which is pretty much a requirement to be a lefty). Take, for instance, his claim that "Stalin came from the far left and Hitler from the far right." Well yes, Hitler was a hyper-nationalist, a trait most often associated with "far-right" ideologies. But the Nazis were Socialists, which most decidedly puts Hitler on the left.As for the war on terrorism, according to skeezix, terrorism is just a law enforcement problem. (Kerry took that position and lost by 3 million votes to a man the lefties alternately credit as the dumbest and most fiendishly brilliant man ever born).Sure, skee -- we'll just send a couple of coppers over to pick up al-Zarqawi tomorrow. Just make sure to dial 911 when Osama shows up in your town with a suitcase nuke.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Jack_DeWalt

Jack_DeWalt's picture

Forums like this are great showcases for the utter lack of thinking that practically defines leftist politics. On this board, we have been treated to the following brilliant observations:"Country music has no talent left, it's all a bunch of Britney Spears imitators, (especially Toby K, the closet gay)" -Fenian Man Why is it that liberals, who just loooove gay people, are the first ones to call someone they don't like a fag? Isn't that, I don't know, out of bounds or something?"Nearly 70% of Americans agree with [Maines] about the Bush administration." -TennesseeanUm, no -- Bush's approval ratings are hovering at about 40%. But of the 60% who disapprove, many are disenchanted conservatives upset at Bush's betrayal of conservative principles and his general wimpiness of late. Do you honestly think that Kerry or Hillary would win 70% of the vote if the election were held today? Maybe your handle should be "Clueless in Tennessee"."Knuckle draggers and idiots support the worst president in history until the end, no matter how many clusterblunders he produces." -BilThis from a guy who doesn't know that "Bill" has two "L"s."Song writers have been making political statements through song and speech since...well hell as far back as I can remember. Dylan, CSNY, Hendrix, A. Guthrie...the list goes on and on...it's called freedom of speech folks." -Miss FortuneEvidently, someone forgot to tell Miss Fortune that Hendrix the other 60s potheads on her list didn't play country music. And yes, it is called freedom of speech, and it works both ways. The Chicks have the right to be nitwits, and radio stations have the right not to play their records. The First Amendment does not guarantee lefties free reign on the radio."For your entertainment, a Texas rancher who screws his livestock. Oh and did I forget that he doesnt believe in free speech..." -Oregon RancherAren't livestock screwers a prime Democrat constituency? Yet another lib using the sexual predilections of the party base to insult people. And yet another lib who has no clue what free speech means. Shocker."Ronald Reagan, were he alive today, would leave the Republican party in protest of the absolute clusterf--k Bush has made of this struggle against terror and for the damage Bush has done to America." -BilBil-who-can't-spell back again with more mindless drivel in which he reveals that he can speak for dead people. He also demonstrates once again that lefties can't get too far into a discussion without bringing in the F-word. It does so much to demonstrate the intellectual sophistication they are always bragging about. Look for a Hitler reference any time now..."Wasn't the country 'embarassed' by Bush selling our ports to an overseas company? Was our country in support of his ideas of our Social Security and Medicare distruction?" -PasoRoblesfanSo I guess libs believe in racial profiling, after all. Of course, the fact that DPW was actually buying the ports from the British company that owned them, not from Bush personally, seems lost on this braniac. His logic is almost as bad as his spelling."The Dixie Chicks & George Clooney, speak for many, many TRUE Americans who are not in any position to be publicly heard." -redfoxyYou wouldn't be, er, questioning anyone's patriotism, now would you? Nah, only conservatives do that, right?BillyJack has done us all a great service: By posting a typical drug-induced rant from DailyKos, he has saved us the need to go over there and get our laughs personally. Thanks, BillyBob!One final note -- Texas Rancher responded to his Oregon insulter thusly: "Since Texas has the most beautiful women and plenty of them, there is no need to screw livestock, but according to the news I read, your part of the country may have a problem with this."Tex, you must understand that in Oregon, the women do not shave, so sometimes those poor guys out there mount a heifer by mistake and think it's their girlfriend. Except the heifer smells better and doesn't have tofu breath.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Jack_DeWalt

Jack_DeWalt's picture

Maybe Natalie can wear a t-shirt with FUGWB on it the next time she's on tv. That's really mature. Peter Jennings isn't around to keep Toby off "his network" anymore, so maybe Toby can sing a pro-USA song on the 4th of July; what a novelty these days! After Natalie's gaff, if she had apologized (even if not sincerely), recorded a duet with Vince Gill and kept her pie-hole shut except for singing, she might actually have saved their careers. Bobby Rivers was right on again with his comments--I love you man! Semper Fi!

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by fairybee

fairybee's picture

Hey Bil,Just like a good lib. Always hitting the wrong key twice - just like Natalie.One other thing Bil (ly Bob). G.W. is in there for almost three more years. Stick that up your arse pipsqueak.Oh, and get used to being on the losing side like Porky Pig Ms. Maines.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Goodbye Natalie

Goodbye Natalie's picture


Posted 18 years 2 months ago by TheGreenman

TheGreenman's picture


Posted 18 years 2 months ago by America First

America First's picture

The Singin' Dixie Twits are climbing all the way to Brokebank Mountain.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Beameupscottie

Beameupscottie's picture

Truly a group of embarrassing turds the Twits have become. Sucking up to the LOSER liberals is exactly where they need to be. Keep quoting CBS polls, liberals, and keep losing elections.If whaletail Natalie is so strong in her convictions then why did she cry like an infant while apologizing on national television for her cowardly overseas remarks? So much for courage. The unemployed (and unemployable) vote democrap. All on social programs vote democrap. NAMBLA (defended pro-bono by the ACLU) votes democrap. Kim Jong-Il and Osama want the democraps to win (as did Yasser Arafat and Saddam). Al Sharpton and the Rearend Jesse Jackass vote democrap. All prisoners (if they could vote) would vote democrap. Yet over 90% of the United States military votes Republican.Point being, if you are a pervert, pediophile, child molester, rapist, murderer, terrorist, dictator, racist, or just plain weak, lazy, stupid or unproductive VOTE DEMOCRAP!!! But if you are a self confident human who can make it on your own vote anything BUT democrap!

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by honeymonkey

honeymonkey's picture

George W. Bush = the worst president in history. Jimmy Carter was tough on Bush at Coretta King's funeral. But he should be grateful to Bush - but for George W. Bush, Jimmy Carter would be the worst president in history. Clusterfu-ck Bush.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Bil

Bil's picture

Natalie Maines makes one small comment and look at the flood of anger it provoked. Why do you people defend your 'great leader' with such passison? Don't you know that he's leading you with fear? Terrorism is just a tool used by people without state backing and terrorists are criminals best dealt with by the police.Why is it that everyone against this president is a liberal? The whole left vs. right thing is just a game to keep your eyes and minds closed. Consider this: 'conservative' used to mean you were for smaller government. Now we have the legislative and executive branches in the hands of the Republicans, and the leader has outspent all previous and has never vetoed one bill! I hear you apologists now: 'yeah, but the war on terror'. Why does this mean you abandon your principles? The 'war on terror' is a means for the government to assume powers at the expense of your rights. Besides, he has also outspent previous on domestic, not terror, spending. Folks, this is an authoritative regime that is as un-American as they come. Stalin came from the far left and Hitler from the far right, but seriously, these mass murderors were nearly identical in their evil methods. So, why do you get so upset when a singer says something political? They didn't 'shove it down your throat'. One or two sentences a year is no big deal. Look at yourselves and what you fear and ask if its justified. You self-righteous ones will fall the hardest when this band of thieves disappears with your blood and treasure.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by skeezix

skeezix's picture

The dixie chicks will never be big again....they've become morons, not musicians....And no matter what the lib's say...just look at the comments here...the majority call them the twits...and they are....I will never support them....there are many many better artisits to listen too.....and I will....

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by dadling

dadling's picture

I can't wait to hear Natalie's opinion on genetically modified food, the genome project, and whether or not there is water on Neptune. Oh, that's right, she has no education, and is all but illiterate. In fact, she is so stupid that she doesn't even know she is stupid. She doesn't understand that serious peple invest years of education to the study of politics. In fact, Natalie is an ignorant old cow, married to an A-rab, and her kid looks like a deranged monkey. The "Chicks" are toasted extra crispy. Nothing left but a few feathers and a cheep echo.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by scarlettroyal

scarlettroyal's picture

The Dixie Twits couldnt run naked thru the streets of Washington DC and PAY for attention. Their next hit should be "Sour Grapes Kool-Aid liberally made...can't hit the top and can't get paid...Bush has reduced us to working as maids" dooo waaaaaah wah wah...pass the kleenex

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by katiedidit1

katiedidit1's picture

Pathetic. That's the sum of the story.A has-been group of has-beens desperate to resurrect some semblance of a career turning to Bush bashing. They'll suffer the same fate as the liberal Democrats who continue to lose election after election.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Pabster

Pabster's picture

So it's come to this. The Dixie Hicks groveling for the political-sympathy CD purchase. Hey, why not? It's not like they have a fan base to alienate anymore. It's all upside potential now. Unfortunately for them, apart from those who choose to take a "courageous political stand" by digging one of these out of the discount bin at Walmart, the only people who will buy one of these eye-rollers, are the speculators who are betting on the collector value of this soon-to-be-obscure has-been band.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Shake

Shake's picture

Greetings from the Peoples Democratic Islamic Republic of Austin, Texas!!! I hear that Dixie is sueing to get their name back from the Howling Harpeys, er Chicks. Now that they're hip-deep in the liberal quagmire, they're digging with both hands! Good luck on your next CD! I'm gonna rush right out and buy eight of them cuz I need a set of coasters real bad. Or maybe we could skeet shoot with 'em. PULL!!!!

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by wink, wink...fr...

wink, wink...from Raven Rock's picture

Gee, I dunno. Listening to Natalie's prognostications on important issues in international law is a little like listening to my German Shepherd discussing quantum physics. I don't mind Natalie getting the publicity for her thoughts, but be fair folks. Give Pookie her fifteen minutes of fame too, okay? She couldn't do any worse.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by JPStrikesBack

JPStrikesBack's picture

This forum is no different from most. It exactly spells out the liberal position - which is there is none. Hate, blame and name calling is all they have. Do you EVER see a fresh idea out of any of these idiots?The dick s-ck chicks also appeared in a PETA ad nude with bloody coats on stating that eating meat is bad. Anyone still think they know their audience. These girls are as stupid as chicken manure. They are also yesterday's news and their new album will bomb (at which time fatso can go back on national television crying a new apology). To quote Johnny Ramone (a hard right wing conservative for all of you B.S. NOFX fans)"What is so rebellious about being a liberal in the music business". The dimocrapic party is the party of the weak, lazy, stupid and unproductive.Just look back at some of these posts. Yankee (figures) doodle dandy blames Bush for the bad state of Social Security. Please, some tell this fool that Social Security has been sliding down for decades. Billy Jack(Off)51 says that Bush owns ClearChannel. WHAT AN IDIOT!!! Every time a liberal opens it's mouth B.S. flows. Is it any wonder that their mascot is a jackass?!?!

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by honeymonkey

honeymonkey's picture

I wonder what the Ditzie Chix and their fellow "Rock for Change (Kerry)" LOSERS are going to say when W and his buds whip them again in 06. W may be far from perfect but he's a helluva lot better than the alternative. Can you imagine Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi? LOL!

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by uscgvet

uscgvet's picture

In the final analysis the Dixie chicks had every right to say anything they pleased. In this country that is how freedom of speech works. It does not mean that you have a right to be free from criticism for the things you say. Especially when you earn your living on the good graces of a fan base. That is called responsibility. The truly courageous entertainer would have gone in front of an American audience in one of our states (say maybe Texas?) and said what was said. From start to finish the actions of Natalie Maines was to dodge and equivocate try to squirrel out of a truly cowardly piece of pandering for personal gratification. When her fan base reacted in a less than supportive fashion she was quick to say that the country music genre had nothing to offer. Entertainers seek to gain the trust, support and patronage of all they come in contact with. Those who are successful are then able to keep this relationship rewarding for both the fan and the entertainer or squander the this trust and support by undermining that relationship. Some entertainers will from time to time venture into politics to varying degrees and from varying perspectives. It is amazing that when they get questioned about certain views they seek to support thier first response is "hey, I'm just an entertainer" as though they have no responsibility for the things they say. They are no better than anyone else and must take responsibility as we all must. It is chilling to think that they may have influenced the likes of "taliban" John Jalker Lindh and "shoe bomber" Richard Reid. It is no different for those misinformed and willing to show it as did Tim Mcgraw and Faith Hill.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by cheztercat

cheztercat's picture

I forgive her for being brainwashed by NEA, homosexualpimper, Democrat parents. That being said, she'll never get another dime from me. Drop-out celebrities have never seemed very intelligent to me.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by UdayKusayMaines...

UdayKusayMainesPasdar's picture

The real shame about the Dixie Chicks, in my humble opinion, is that they really were a refreshing sound in the plastic, formulaic Country Music of today. I guess they were what they call "Y'allternative" country up in Austin. I liked them from back in the day when they did "Little Ole Cowgirl"--pre the anti-American Natalie Maines. It's just astounding to me that Natalie & the chicks are getting such poor career guidance. Throwing away such a bright future just to take shots at George Bush...wow. I'm not a big fan of GW either, but for reasons quite opposite to those of the Chicks. He's just not conservative enough for me. Now, I'm a radio disc-jockey in Houston, and I could probably get away with some political comments on the air, but why? My audience wants music (not country). I would only hurt myself by acting like they wanted my opinion! Natalie, Country folk are patriotic. You're killing yourself.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by El Chasero

El Chasero's picture

Texas rancher, when you say "those with brains" you really are'nt referring to dubya, are you? The Dixie Chicks & George Clooney, speak for many, many TRUE Americans who are not in any position to be publicly heard. This administration is using public office for their own agenda as a tool to line their pockets. How much exactly is enough? How many major league lies do you have to hear before you wise up?

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by redfoxy

redfoxy's picture

Yet another reason why I stick with ol' timers when it comes to country. I'm a huge Hank Williams Jr. fan. I see most of these "country" music artist coming out nowadays and just can't help but shake my head. Country is not about supporting or opposing politicians. It never has been.Though, I've got to say that I was pleasantly surprise by one of the recent artist, Gretchen Wilson. I give me some kind of hope that country didn't die with Merle.On a side note, yeah... Natalie... the country music fan base is conservative. I think you'll do just fine in Nashville (Trashville?) and Hollywood, but I don't think you have a future in country music. Sorry...

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by CorsicanRedneck

CorsicanRedneck's picture

DefiantEditor said "The only morons are those who voted for any member of this current administration and, worse yet, still defend them." Hmmm...any member? Well, that would be Bush- The President, you know, of the United States?! I don't think we can vote for cabinet positions yet...

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by AnAmericanByGod

AnAmericanByGod's picture

Music has always been a medium to move, persuade and/or console us. So I see no problem that it should be associated with the important social and political issues of our time. It's always been that way.What I dislike, and I see it over and over, is the HATE spewing. People are offering no solutions or better ideas to the problems they see causing their HATE spewing. The HATE crowds just want to sit back and throw hand grenades all day long, and HATE, HATE, HATE.Where are all the thinking people with ideas of how to make things better? Where are the ideas? One thinking person blogged that we can fight terrorism here in the US or over there in the Mid East somewhere. That's a great idea, and we're fighting them over there.Yes, Dub hasn't closed the borders to illegal entries, the Medicare prescription drug program is a giant scam, and other problems. All you that HATE and throw grenades, GOT IDEAS?

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by 2cents Boy

2cents Boy's picture

Hey Texas Rancher,You got that right! I don’t live in Texas. But I still don’t think country music is alive and well. And for the most part, your right, Rock and Roll is dead too. But I’ve seen better Rock bands come through lately than country. At least they are willing to say something that’s not just parotting the masses. At least they’re willing to think about something for themselves. That’s why the Dixie Chick are going to outlast Toby Keith. His message is a damn Truck Commercial! Buy a Chevrolet! Never heard that one before…A s far as the Yankees migrating issue, I think only a fence will help that one.Yankee One

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Yankee One

Yankee One's picture

Never learn, do you, Dixie Clucks? America does not need your traitorous comments, go back in the slimey hole that you crawled out of, Maines. I really used to like you girls before one of you allowed her mouth to spew more traitorus comments in public. I was wondering where you Clucks had gone, we had not heard anything about you in a long time. Just commenting just the other day about how long it had been. Now we hear this idiotic attack on our President, slow learners aren't you? Crawl back in your hole!

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by DallasConservative

DallasConservative's picture

Memo to the Dixie Chicks: If you want to make political statements on your albums and in your concerts, get ready for any backlash from people that don't agree with your opinions. This is called acting like an ADULT.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by runner2300

runner2300's picture

The Dixie Chicks aren't worth the plastic their CDs are printed on. Let them keep preaching to a crowd they thinks is awestruck by their fame. Let them keep thinking their fame buys them some sort of credibility and that it makes people actually care what they think. They'll realize the truth when they're bankrupt and begging the other liberal donkeys in Hollywood for money so they can pay their electric bill. Actions speak.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Coyotedkm

Coyotedkm's picture

This looks like a last gasp album. Adding rappers and the peppers in the hopes there will be cross over buyers now that 80% of their country fans have put them on the do not buy list.IT IS OVER - and you only have yorselves to blame.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by ejgallagher

ejgallagher's picture

Hooray! God Bless the Dixie Chicks. They have given us wonderful enspiring music for years, while Bush has driven this Country to Hell. Shame on the mealy mouthed brainwashed dittoheads and Hannitized brainless midgets like toby keith who benefit from following facist politicans and bus**t. Are any of you bus**tes aware that there never was a real boycott? What really happened was that Bush cronies own ClearChannel, the conglomerate of talk radio and music. They, not dittohead Hannity idiots stopped the playing of the Dixie Chick music, or any other music which critizes the criminal in chief.This is a crime. But you don't care, you stupid war mongers. - Keep going Dixie Chicks! You are Great. Toby Keith is talentless and ugler than any ass thats ever visited a boot.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by BillyJack51

BillyJack51's picture

Until I read these postings, I thought I was the ony one who thought Maines looked like a pig...... :-) I feel so much better.....Trust me, as pig farmer, I could show you 200 pigs smarter than that fat sow.....Like Larry the Cable guy said, if it wasn't for the pretty two, Maines would be working at Lane Bryant (That's a fat ladies store) Hasn't she learned to quit squeeling and keep her snout shut? You can probably gather that I don't care for her politics much.....As far as HER being ashamed that the President is from Texas, I am equally if not more ashamed that she is an American. The same goes for Tim & Faith.......Tim be Dum. IDIOTS! Word to celebrities..SHUT YOUR PIE HOLES!

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by jandtfarm

jandtfarm's picture

Here are the answers to someone who posted them with the insight of the Dixie Chicks - combined:1. Bush didn't "sell" any ports any one who thinks he did is beyond stupid. A British firm managed the cargo and it was sold to a Dubai firm.WRONG: The Bush administration (i.e. "the buck stops here") was responsible for approving the sale of rights to 6 sets of terminals in US ports. That means those buying the rights have full access and full management of the terminals. Last time I checked, the Brits have not been our enemy since the War of 1812. The UAE, which owns DWP 100%, was a co-sponsor of 9/11 and still harbors many Moslems who would gladly send a WMD to the US. The US may manage security at thosen terminals, but Bush hasn't done much to help there, either.2. No one complained when Clinton did sell the former Naval shipyard in Long Beach, CA to communist China. Your bias and ignorance is over whelming.WRONG: Conservatives, like me, cried bloody murder when he did that, and it is just as much a problem as letting a Moslem nation control *any* US port terminals. We also hollered when Clinton allowed the sale of US missile technology to communist China that helped them finally build a missle that can reach LA and be much more accurate than previous missles they had.3. I also believe they (Dixie Chicks) can sing or say whatever they want. But for them to complain that their fans are upset with it shows their stupidity.RIGHT: So we agree - what's the problem?4. If your too stupid to bother to learn the facts of an issue you should not comment as it shows your ignorance.WRONG: My depth of knowledge on the facts of these issues appears to be more than you have shown.5. Maybe you should find new sources for your news.WRONG: I use a variety of sources - from conservative web and news sources, to middle of the road sources like Fox News, to liberal sources like the NYT, CNN, CBS/ABC/NBC and PBS.Why is it that liberals want to call people names, as if that somehow substitutes for rationale discussion?

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by MSBassSinger

MSBassSinger's picture

"As far as I am concerned they are nothing but a bunch of sleazy sluts" -- That's EXACTLY what I think of the whores of the Republican Party.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Bil

Bil's picture

Wasn't the country "embarassed" by Bush selling our ports to an overseas company? *No, I am embarrased by the reactionary outcry from the "more tolerant than thou" crowd against a valued ally in the War on Terror. Was our country in support of his ideas of our Social Security and Medicare distruction? *Social Security and medicare are already on the way to destruction without someone fixing it.How about immigration for everyone who wants your job because for some reason you don't want to do it for 1/3 the wages? *What liberal candidate is willing to protect out borders?Can we talk about the enviroment? *Sure, just stick to facts and not fear mongering.Can we sell and divide our national parks to the highest bidder? *Nope.Can we talk about a right wing supreme court? *My number one issue for voting for President Bush. Judicial restraint practiced by a conservative court would be a dream come true.How about torture,and spying on our fellow Americans? *Tourture does not happen. Lots of "talk" about tourture does. Spying on people who talk to Al Queda is a good thing. Nobody complained when Clinton did it.Were you also "embarassed" when he ok'ed more arsenic in our drinking water? *Nope.Outsourcing our jobs will create more jobs...just not yours. I guess we need more jobs for the immigrant who will do the "new jobs" nobody wants for minimum wages. *A growing economy creates more jubs for everybody.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by scottlac

scottlac's picture

I do not know why people even pay money to listen to this group. I have not nor will I ever spend money on anything dixie chicks. As far as I am concerned they are nothing but a bunch of sleazy sluts

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by kilroy

kilroy's picture

I don't know where you live Yankee one (I'm assuming its yankee land, land of homo marriage, land of no second amendment and land of chuck schumer, hillary clinton, and john kerry) but here in Texas country music is alive and well. Unfortunately, I think Rock and roll is dead, what ever happened to ZZ top, Lynerd skynerd? However, It would be nice if you would get all your yankee friends to stay in yankee land, they are moving south in droves running from government regulation, high taxes, and cold weather. They are bringing their love of government regulation and high taxes with them but we would much rather have a little cool weather.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Texas Rancher

Texas Rancher's picture

Country music is dead. Has been since Garth Brooks turned it into Rock N' Roll Lite. The Dixie Chicks are just what the genre needs. Country music hasn't had a real voice since the 60's, and the only thing that will bring it within any margin of relevance these days is to take a stand on something. Willie Nelson's bandana and Johnny Cash's black suit represent a greater patriotism and empowerment than a million 'Support Our Troops' bumper stickers. The 'main-stream' has led country music fans to an ocean of mediocrity. The dim-wits flocking behind Toby Keith and waving they're American flags (probably 'Made in China' by the way) have forgotten what the flag stands for ages ago. Even worse, they probably never knew. They'll chase the ghost of country music and continue to buy whatever it is They're selling, no matter how trite. They are basically worthless to anyone but a bunch of L.A. record execs and Wal-Mart.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Yankee One

Yankee One's picture

To Oregon Rancher, I believe a few weeks ago I read a story about a fella having sex with a heifer in either Oregon or Washington state. So let me assure you, Since Texas has the most beautiful women and plenty of them, there is no need to screw livestock, but according to the news I read, Your part of the country may have a problem with this. But hey, if you libs feel that guys should be able to get married to each other, its not that far a stretch for yall to marry your pets or livestock. Unfortunately, this country is in a culture war and the side of honor, morality, and character (my side) will defeat your side, the side of blame, irresponsibility, low self esteem, and body odor.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Texas Rancher

Texas Rancher's picture

Exactly what are the dizzy chicks background on international, geopolitical, military, macro economics, and such issues? Oh, just about what I thought...As far as pig-snout goes, Like most americans I could care less about what she thinks about ANYTHING. but the fact remains, that as being an "good" American, you DON'T bad mouth your country, or it's Commander in Chief, on foreign soil, when war is literally about to break out ANY MINUTE! guess they can't figure that out between the three of them. If the twit sisters want the group to survive they need to start looking for lard a$$es replacement. If the three twits still think they know-all, see-all, understand-all, and are truely committed to what they claim, they should shelve the music thing (while it's still their choice) and run for political office and make real change in this country. The vote count would be very interesting, as would the political, debates on the economics, geopolitical, military issues that they would bring their vast array of knowledge to. With all their knowledge and support and BETTER IDEAS, the election process should be a piece of cake (Nat would like mmore cake). As far as Tim and Faith go, study your civics guys, the Federal govt is not the first responders in the event of a crisis, that duty falls to the local and state govt. I did'nt hear them being critical of them, guess they also didn't know much of what they speak about (being famous obviously does'nt require one to be very smart). These two have more money together than likely 98% of other americans, they both are from the south not that far from where the storm did some of it's worst damage. Where is all their support for this cause? I don't mean theyt sang a song or two in abenefit concert, I don't mean a "tax deduction of a symbolic donation, I mean, like, how many days were theyhelping rescue stranded civilians, how many hot meals did they cook for the homeless or the rescuers, how many tents did they erect, how many nights did they sleep (if they got any) in a truck because the responders gave their tent space to now homeless families, how many of the victims did they bring into their homes? Oh yeah, thats rights, the same number as the D-Twits. I don't know about Faith, but I expected more from Tim.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Dixie pissrr

Dixie pissrr's picture

1. Bush didn't "sell" any ports any one who thinks he did is beyond stupid. A British firm managed the cargo and it was sold to a Dubai firm.2. No one complained when Clinton did sell the former Naval shipyard in Long Beach, CA to communist China. Your bias and ignorance is over whelming. 3. I also believe they (Dixie Chicks) can sing or say whatever they want. But for them to complain that their fans are upset with it shows their stupidity.4. If your to stupid to bother to learn the facts of an issue you should not comment as it shows your ignorance.5. Maybe you should find new sources for your news.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by factsonly

factsonly's picture

Every last comment made about the "Chicks" latest album is political in nature whether you realize it or not. Whether you care for the artist or not, their record company and the money they generate from record sales, determines what will be published. If they felt it would be an economic failure, they wouldn't put it out. Obvioulsy there is a market for it, especially since their target is tanking in many polls. They are not the first nor will they be the last of the entertainment activists, recall: Ronald Reagan, Nancy Davis, Arnold Schwartzenneger, Bruce Willis, Dennis Miller, Charles Grodin, Ted Nugent????Leatherneck, with all due respect, (I don't take the phrase lightly) we still have too many of our young men and women in harms way in what is clearly a fruadulent war brought about by socially malignant and corporate greed driven Presidency. He brought it upon himself and deserves every bit of the condemnation heaped upon him. Not the Lives nor the souls of 2,300 men and women in uniform weigh enough to pull back out of the chaos of a civil war that will only claim more good, young Americans... the nations future. These things should drive us nuts, not a song. Perhaps a dance, but definitely not a song. "Those who prescribe you knowlede determine the range of your thinking."El Santo

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by haematoid

haematoid's picture

Why does the media never mention that Natalie Maines is married to an Iranian? Once I found that out, it certainly added new context to her rants against President Bush, who is merely trying to keep our country from falling into the wrong hands.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by o-fish-l

o-fish-l's picture

Wasn't the country "embarassed" by Bush selling our ports to an overseas company?Was our country in support of his ideas of our Social Security and Medicare distruction?How about immigration for everyone who wants your job because for some reason you don't want to do it for 1/3 the wages?Can we talk about the enviroment?Can we sell and divide our national parks to the highest bidder?Can we talk about a right wing supreme court?How about torture,and spying on our fellow Americans?Were you also "embarassed" when he ok'ed more arsenic in our drinking water?Outsourcing our jobs will create more jobs...just not yours.I guess we need more jobs for the immigrant who will do the "new jobs" nobody wants for minimum wages.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by PasoRoblesfan

PasoRoblesfan's picture

The idiot resides in the White House. Never has one man done so much damage to America as has George W. Bush. His Administration will be seen as the greatest single reason for the decline of America. He is the greatest asset and ally Osama bin Laden could wish for. Iraq ranks with the worst military blunders in history. Ronald Reagan, were he alive today, would leave the Republican party in protest of the absolute clusterf--k Bush has made of this struggle against terror and for the damage Bush has done to America.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Bil

Bil's picture

This is great...The same libs that loved and supported what the Dixie Twits did last time are back in here saying the same crap...But as history shows liberals talked a lot about supporting and buying the Twits CD but in reality the libs don't spend their own money on anything they really don't like...and the Twits have lost their real fan base.Maybe a concert on PBS or the BBC paid for by tax dollars that no one has to watch for the Dixie Twits is all the liberals can offer them...Libs admitting to liking country music outside of anonymous BBoard posting or God forbid one of their lib friends hears the twang of country music coming from their Volvo...It also must suck for you Libs that Bush does not care about poll numbers or what pundits say about him...He got the Patriot Act passed and two conservative judges on the supreme court...All with low poll numbers and Democratic support...Keep telling yourself Bush is a dummy and your best hope in 2008 is still with Kerry, Dean, Clinton and Kennedy.Election night after another Republican is put in the White House crack out your Dixie Chick CD and pop it in the player, blame Bush for everything and wonder why you lost again.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by grimmjack

grimmjack's picture

I think the Dixie Chicks still don't get it. We don't owe them an apology, they owe America one! Natalie decided to make a ignorant statement overseas. Then they give a so called apology on ABC, which was a joke.I am sure all of America and the world is just waiting to hear domestic and foreign policy issues from 3 people who never graduated from college. Unlike President Bush who has 2 degrees from Ivy League schools & higher gpa than Kerry.If you want to share your political views than run for office & debate people in the proper forum. Don't whine & cry on tv about how you were abused. You have the right to free speech, I support that. But we have the right to boycott your music. Quit complainig!!! We don't care what you think, we don't wnat to hear what you think, we just want to hear music!!Bryan, Nashville, TN

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by mrmrsbk

mrmrsbk's picture

I, too, didn't know these idiots were still around. They buried their own career, now they are obviously scraping and clawing for any attention they can get. Can you fools just go away? You have overstayed your welcome.I saw Natalie's bumbling, crying interview. My 6 year old is more intelligent and has more intelligence.GO AWAY DIXIE CHUMPS! YOU DON'T HAVE IT ANY MORE1

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by honeymonkey

honeymonkey's picture

So the Dixie Hicks wanted to go to a foreign country and bash a president, then they wanted to cry because their fans boycotted their music on radio stations, had bonfires and just stopped listening. then little hick natalie cried on tv so we'd all feel bad? well let's see, she was the idiot that got into politics, politics didn't get into her. she's a mucisian, she needs to keep her political ideas and views to herself and do what she gets paid for. I'm so tired of these "celebrities" using their name to think they can make their fans think like they do. how many people even knew the dixie hicks were still around?

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by RealTallWolf

RealTallWolf's picture

The poor Dixie Chicks are pathetic.Natalie has said in the past that the group would pick up a "rock" audience instead of her disloyal Country fans.Maybe someone should explain to her that many Rock fans migrated to Country years ago.BTW, Natalie, how were the sales of the Polka album?

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by CountryFan

CountryFan's picture

The Dixie Chicks prove that people will buy anything, no matter how pathetic, ignorant or insignificant.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by prismsinc

prismsinc's picture

GWB may not be the brightest bulb in the chandelier but the Dixie Chicks are not a source of inspiration either. Others have said on this thread that she is using her "fame" to spread a political message (which is what some of the Hollywood elitists are doing) and they're right. Most of conservative America is sick and tired of the Far Left political rhetoric, and, by the way Hollywood movie sales are going, we are making our views known, per the box office failures. As for the commenter about Austin, TX. He's partially right. Austin is known as the "San Francisco" of Texas but not all of Austin is this way, thank God. One question for the Dixie Chicks (and their supporters): Have ANY of you been to Iraq? Most likely not but you all been drinking the MSM Kool-aide far too long so what I would say about it will be irrelevant to your (leftist) eyes.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Desert Storm Vet

Desert Storm Vet's picture

I have no problem with the Dixie Chicks, who are talented singers and entertainers, saying and singing whatever they want. I also have no problem with people supporting them or criticising them, buying their CDs or not buying them. Just as the girls are free to be foolish, others are free to ignore them or come to their support.That said, it is obvious they think career success comes from espousing liberal talking points - no actual thinking necessary. It is a myth that most Americans oppose our actions in Iraq as one part of the war against militant Islam. In fact, a large part of the disapproval of President Bush and Congress is due to their lack of keeping their conservative promises. They have only lowered taxes a token amount, they have done nothing to restrict the growth of government and spending, they have done nothing to stop and reverse the flow of illegal immigrants - and need I even mention the idiocy of allowing the UAE to own and manage port terminals in the US?. Conservatives in the US are a larger group than liberals and those in the middle, and are finally expressing disapproval of a President and Congress who act more like liberals than conservatives. Informed Americans know militant Islam has been at war with western civilization for 1,400 years, and that our first military action after becoming a nation was against Moslem pirates in what is now Libya. Iraq is but one front in beating back the most recent wave of Moslem agression that staretd back in the 1970s.When the Dixie Chicks and other non-thinking, establishmentarian entertainment types regurgitate their liberal hogwash, it only pleases the 20-25% of America that thinks that way. That is a lot of the potential market for their goods being offended. Not real smart.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by MSBassSinger

MSBassSinger's picture

For your entertainment, a Texas rancher who screws his livestock. Oh and did I forget that he doesnt believe in free speech, but does believe in all the special interest government 'give me's " that go along with being a Republican rancher. What a contradiction. Go back to screwing your livestock!!!!!

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by OREGON RANCHER


Presenting for your entertainment, The new and exciting show called "Terrorist Aid". Starring Fidel Castro, George Clooney, and Sean Penn with music by the Dixie Chicks and a special guest appearance by the President of North Korea, KIM Chong-il and his business partner, former US president Jimmy Carter. Tickets may be purchased at any NPR radio station or democratic office. Please help support us in removing your freedoms, surrendering to anyone who wants to attack us, and implementing the biggest social programs ever conceived. We truly believe that there is nothing worth fighting for and why can't we all just get along? Join us in promoting the idea that socialism is the wave of the future. Since you cannot take care of yourself and you cannot make decisions for yourself, we will do it for you and you will like it! Supporting the terrorist in their attempt to overthrow United States is an important step for our future, so please buy your tickets now! PS: Hillary for President T-shirts will be available next to our mobile onsite abortion clinic and across from our legalize drugs booth. Bathing will be strictly prohibited.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Texas Rancher

Texas Rancher's picture

you know, there are other things to sing about besides "we hate conservatives" all of the time. of course, that is the controversy that these knuckleheads are so infamous for so it makes great sense that they would keep on milking their controversy cow untill the udders shrivel up and fall off. these ladies are no better than cindy sheehan or woopy moldburg. you are boring to everyone but the al franken crowd. enjoy your perpetual anti-american infamy. you've earned it.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by ferstbaseman

ferstbaseman's picture

Got a friend who works for a radio station, we discussed Tim and Faith's recent anti-American rant("I cant believe America didn't do more for Katrina victims")and he said it so beautifully..."WHY DON'T THEY JUST SHUT UP AND SING".You have a right to your opinions, my daddy said opinions are like A$$holes "doesn't mean everyone wants to see yours". If you want to be a politicial animal, drop any pretense of being an entertainer and go totally into politics. I have a right, they have a right BUT when you use your talent, position to do nothing more than rant and whine...you just stopped being an entertainer and I don't have to listen or pay any attention.I ignore 99% of the crap liberal media, left-wing nut jobs, actors and a lot of singers spew. I think you could find as much information in their thoughts as you could by asking a brick wall to tell you what it thinks.Before you right-wing, conservative republican me to death. Am an INDEPENDENT and voted for Bush for 1 reason Kerry LIED in 1970 in front of Congress and has continued to LIE (My brother served in Vietnam for 18 months and still has contact with a lot of his friends and not one tells LIES...ooops stories like Kerry did).Good luck Natalie when you get ready to perform at a local Kiwanis Club as that is the only job you can get or singing at a AAA baseball game tell me how important it was to do what you did when you can't get arrested.I think you should have probably sat down and thought this out, BUT since you didn't and you keep running into a wall maybe this would be a good time to count your money and if enuff retire go home and blame EVERYONE in country music, government, media ETC for your troubles....it is a vast right wing conspiracy and Madame Nut-Job and her crooked husband can tell you all about how they have been under attack by people telling TRUTH.so save YOUR truth Chicks because that is all you will have left.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by TexasCountryFan

TexasCountryFan's picture

thank goodness the dixie chicks are continuing their stand. i was proud of them when they stood up and said they were ashamed of george w. bush and very sorry that they had to apologize and have had to endure a boycott by some of the radio stations. i look forward to getting this album and will support them anyway i can: they have the courage of their convictions and not many people do now.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by insolentpheasant2

insolentpheasant2's picture

I applaud the Dixie Chicks, and all they stand for. I was very disappointed, yet not suprised when the country stations began pulling their music after the Bush remarks. Yet they find no problems with the oh so elequent little ditty "we'll put a boot in your ass, it's the American way". Song writers have been making political statements through song and speech since...well hell as far back as I can remember. Dylan, CSNY, Hendrix, A. Guthrie...the list goes on and on...it's called freedom of speech folks. Did the Dixie chicks blow thier fan base? Yeah, but I don't think at the end of the day that they should be too worried about alienating a bunch of, hillbilly,right wing, wouldn't know an independent thought if it slapped them in the face, rednecks. Oh and just so you know, I'm from Texas, and I too am ashamed that W is from here (well not really from here, but that's another story) as well. You Go Girls!

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune's picture

Idiots with microphones like George Bush(or any of his flunkies), Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Toby Keith, Sean Hannity...Those are all the idiots with microphones I could think of for now

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Mikes94R

Mikes94R's picture

Amen to what Bobby River said!

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by fairybee

fairybee's picture

Ha Ha -- This is so funny! This girl was in London, and she put her finger to the wind, and thought she would find a sympathetic audience to Bush-bashing. She wasn't smart enough to think about the reaction of folks back home, at the time. So, when the backlash came -- and whoops! -- her career was on the line, oh, came the crocodile tears and humble apologies......Now that she is reading the polls that Bush's numbers are low, she thinks she can now be honest, and retract her insincere apology, and look like a rebel and a brave soul.In fact, she looks just like what she is: an air-headed, ungrateful, uneducated, ill-informed spoiled child. We have lots of those in the U.S. There isn't as much connection between education and affluence here as there used to be. So many idiots, so many microphones......Karen Sacandy

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Karen Sacandy

Karen Sacandy's picture

The GOP is a party without principles, it is morally bankrupt while espousing morality. The GOP has squandered any standing it ever had with this corrupt and dishonest Bush administration. Knuckle draggers and idiots support the worst president in history until the end, no matter how many clusterblunders he produces. That includes the Blunder in Iraq. Bush has done nothing right. Is George Bush a member of Al Qaeda? If so, he's the most effective member since the 9/11 leader, Atta. The Chicks are trying to educate some Americans, but, as represented by some of the posts here, it is most certainly pearls before swine.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Bil

Bil's picture

Poor Natalie still doesn't get it. They alienated their fan base--Country Music lovers--who are overwhelmingly conservative and patriotic. Her insulting the President while she was on foreign soil is what everyone is still mad about. I thought maybe they had matured by now. The Dixie Chicks might want to move to that great nation of France with Alec Baldwin, Barbra Streisand, and George Clooney.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by fairybee

fairybee's picture

Unfortunatly, every day we are lambasted with the kook ideas of the liberals, democrats, and socialist. The chicks live in Austin Tx, which is an island of kooks, or a colony of california. The Austin area, including the Univ of Texas (aka: University of eastern california)is a mecca for liberal wackos, most of whom have never or will never represent the real Texas and our individual spirit. If the good people of Texas knew what Austin has become, they would petition the legislature to sell Austin to the highest bidder. Possible buyers would be Cuba, California, Massachusetts, George Clooney or rich middle east terrorist. In closing, the chicks should just keep playing their music on NPR and smoking whatever they are smoking in Austin today and leave the thinking to those who possess brains.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Texas Rancher

Texas Rancher's picture

This should just about put the last nail in the coffin for this trio. Seems like the entertainment types cannot keep themselves from committing career suicide.You know their managers aren't giving them advice like, "You're doing well. Sales, concerts and your popularity are at an all time high. People love you. Now it's time to venture into politics."Too bad. I really used to enjoy their CDs and music.Look for The Dixie Chicks CDs to start appearing in the $1 box at a garage sale near you.When will Hollywood and Nashville learn that entertaining and politics are like oil and water.SHUT UP AND SING!!

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by DCizme

DCizme's picture

This should be a great album with help from some Rick Rubin production...As far as the criticism of Bush goes...he is a tool, and quite possibly the worst president ever...So any criticism of him and his corrupt cronies is welcome here!!! Keep up the good work DIxie Chicks!!

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Mikes94R

Mikes94R's picture

There is no such thing as bad publicityBesides, hate sells.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Threetall

Threetall's picture

You're against (and it cost you your careers) then you were for (sobbing apology) and now you are again against. You just can't keep floppin like a whale on the beach...America hates a phony and you gals qualify. SHUT UP AND SING (but not in my hearing range please!)

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Tampon Award

Tampon Award's picture

Talk about dumb blondes...I used to love the Dixie Chicks, but have been totally put off by little piglet, Natalie Mains' political outburst.What is it about the entertainment industry that makes them think they're capable of entertaining and being political, too.Barbara Streisand, George Clooney, and Natalie Mains have taken their popularity won from entertaining us and some how mentally turned that into a mandate to lead us politically.They're actually done more harm to their careers and their political causes than good.Having lived and worked in Hollywood, I can tell you that as far as everyone in the entire business beliefs that Hollywood is the center of the world. Everyone is supposed to be interested in everything Hollywood does.After so many years of kowtowing toadies kissing your backside, one develops a certain air of entitlement.Now, Mains feels that she's entitled to go head to head against mainstream America with this repeat of a career ending statement.So be it.Right or wrong, she has a right to speak her mind, but it's the wrong business to try to be a political leader.As for my money, I will no longer support the Dixie Chicks with my money or support. Too bad, too. Because I used to love her..but it's all over now.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by DCizme

DCizme's picture

Love the Dixie Chicks and Natalie Maines! Keep fighting the good fight; Hill and McGraw are speaking out too now. Nearly 70% of Americans agree with you about the Bush administration. I'll be purchasing your latest CD, as I have every other CD by the Dixie Chicks, because you make great music. But, I appreciate your political courage, too.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Tennessean

Tennessean's picture

I don not understand why these "artists" think that anyone really give a rats a** what they think, All I care about is that they can entertain me. It really is becoming work to listen to all of their political rantings, especially when they are overseas making such general statments.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by mtclem

mtclem's picture

How I love to hear the crybaby conservatives squeal. Grow up, get over it.Country music has no talent left, it's all a bunch of Britney Spears imitators, (especially Toby K, the closet gay)The Nashville establishment has been after the Chicks since "Goodbye Earl". (It promoted domestic violence, you know) So if anybody shot themselves in the foot, it's the sad remnants of a music genre that blew off their only talented band.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Fenian Man

Fenian Man's picture

Why is it liberals invariably resort to name-calling and hate-mongering? One never sees a liberal's comment with any substance anymore, just negativity. Is it any wonder they shy from being called 'liberal' anymore, since the term by their own admission has evolved into a 'dirty word'? Progress will never be achieved through such adversarial tactics. No wonder they are so 'fed up' with the war on terror. The unfounded, maniacal anger of the terrorists is the only thing that rivals their own, and it gets all the attention.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by KevinM

KevinM's picture

DefiantEditor said:...“I am not a country music fan, but I will be first in line to buy the new album and support the Dixie Chicks.”...*Groan*....“I don’t even like their music, but I’m going to buy the CD anyways because we share the same political opinion.” Dude, that’s just silly..........Seriously, when in the world are these people in the “Entertainment Industry” actually going to get back to ENTERTAINING? ...........Yes, yes, they have the First Amendment right to rant their political views all day long if they want too, I’m certainly not saying they can’t. But, what I am saying, is that I personally (i.e. the consumer, and I don’t think by any means that I’m alone in this sentiment) am sick to death of listening to it all, I’m just SICK OF IT! .............I don’t want to like or dislike these people and their work because they’re pro/anti-Bush, pro/anti-Iraq War, etc, etc...I want like or dislike them and what they do based on their singing/songwriting/acting ability.............Honestly, I really wish these people just stick to what they’re good at and stop trying to use their celebrity status as a bully pulpit to shove their political opinions down everyone else’s throat.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by TearingDownTheW...

TearingDownTheWalldotcom's picture

"The provocative track will appear on the Dixie Chicks' upcoming album"Nah, at this point anti-Bush rants are anything but "provacative". That's so 2004.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by no1dad

no1dad's picture

Natalie Maines has to be one of the dumbest people I've ever witnessed. Just about when the majority of the American public has forgotten about her stupidity to let her go in peace, she starts running her big mouth attached right below her pig snout.She reminds me of a small dog who keeps yapping at a Rottweiler. She keeps getting her a**ed kicked and comes looking for more a** whipping. That is the definition of a moron.I thought those flake sisters that team with her had more sense than Natalie but I guess I was wrong.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by Goodbye Natalie

Goodbye Natalie's picture

They have every right to sing whatever they want...but this is purely to kick start their new album sales. Since Bush said they could say whatever they wanted and never got into a war of words with them it really isn't a feud with him. They hate them and that's groovy for them and whoever else dislikes him. There has to be two sides to have a "feud" however and he wasn't really involved...he was the topic. It's really a feud with disgruntled fans who dropped them from their personal playlists. I would presume that the "forgive" and "forget" in the lyrics are words aimed at the country music establishment and it's fans.That's the beauty of the situation. They can say what they want. Fans can either agree or disagree with their wallet...some will buy it and some won't. No one is wrong and it's a moral victory for everyone....not taking a side, just making an observation....

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by asuwur

asuwur's picture

As a country music fan and a resident of Nashville let me assure you the Dixie Twits shot themselves in the foot while having that foot firmly placed in their mouth.They mistakenly believed the liberal press parroting their last flub as support from Country Music fans unfortunately libs are not the main country music fan base.The press slammed the hell out of Toby Keith for his "Boot in your ass" and fawned over how brave the Twits were for speaking out...overseas...against Bush...but the twits have faded away and Toby is still rocking...I still can't believe that a actor or singer still thinks they are being rebellious when the all spout the same liberal crap...the real rebels are the actors and singers who admit to being conservative and the get black listed in the media.

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by grimmjack

grimmjack's picture

I'm so sick of this idiot. I hope most Americans are smart enough to not buy this new CD. Let it tank!

Posted 18 years 2 months ago by CoffeeGirl

CoffeeGirl's picture

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