Peta Urge Police To 'Confiscate' Jackson's Giraffes After Two Die - Comments and Message Board

Here is a link to a PETA investigation into GW Exotics where Joe (owner) and Marc Chandler (douchebag) is suggesting the giraffes are stolen and taken to (over my dead body):( )Half way through this video, you will hear Marc brag about beating a male white tiger in order to get the cat to "behave". Following that, you will see Marc himself beating a cat with the butt of a rifle and then yelling explatives and calling the cats dumb. Anyone giving anyone who is badmouthing the Hanc**ks a lick of credibility is a moron! Tegan Ellis and her friend Louise have tried with zero results to get a reaction out of the US media...well, I've personally taken care of that by sharing this video, pointing out that Chandler, Stark, and the two other worthless idiots that lied to the Hanc**ks to gain access to these animals in the begining are not trustworthy. Members of the media tend to trust other members of the media. To Kathy and the other idiots in Page, Marti is correct, the animals are going to be moved to a safe location and the land returned to the city. And the relocation of these animals will have NOTHING to do with Tegan, Marc, Joe, or anyone else involved with GW Exotics! Shawn SpringFriend to the Hanc**ks

Posted 14 years 3 months ago by shawnspring

shawnspring's picture

MJ would be crush to know that his animals suffered from lack of care. At least he was there to welcome them home in heaven with the lord.

Posted 14 years 3 months ago by wendy4145

wendy4145's picture

PETA is now charged, with crulity to animals. You know that, giraffes are on the list of animals that are extinct. What a same to expose them to chilling tempatures. Don't make me call the animal police. You just stop playing games.

Posted 14 years 4 months ago by girlygirlymormor

girlygirlymormor's picture

I think the public should hold on passing judgment on the caretakers of these giraffes. If their property was foreclosed on it would indicate they were having a rough time financially and who isn't in this economy. I can't believe that these people deliberately harmed the two giraffes that died and hopefully they did everything they could. My heart goes out to them. Their deaths I'm sure rocked them to the core. Now, I do think PETA is right in trying to find alternate homes for the living giraffes. The best interests of the living giraffes should be the number one concern here.Hopefully we'll here more about this story in the future.

Posted 14 years 4 months ago by RedinPhoenix

RedinPhoenix's picture

Peta is a wonderful organization and I support their effort in protecting animals.~~~~~~~~~ It's too bad that Neverland is closed,~~~~~~~~~ the animals could return there and get excellent care~~~~~~~~~~~ even though MICHAEL JACKSON is not able to take care of them presently,~~~~~~~~~~~ the family could hire good people to take care of these wonderful animals that MICHAEL TOOK such good care of them.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope that Peta is given the recognization it well deserves.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If anyone is interested~~~~~~~~~~~~~ they should look into helping Peta in the care of animals.~~~~~~~~~~A true supporter of MICHAEL JACKSON

Posted 14 years 4 months ago by jacqueline.capucine

jacqueline.capucine's picture

How many times does PETA have claimed that they are for animals, when in fact they will kill any animal because they feel it would be better off dead. PETA has claimed foul play with anyone who has exotic animals, personally no one should have ever had them, but, since they are here, we need to care for them. The Hanc**ks have not fed them improperly and if it was about cold weather, then why did only the larger of the four die?

Posted 14 years 4 months ago by Marti2150

Marti2150's picture

know the facts; the temperature is right now is 42. For most of the winter, the giraffes are kept in 28' x 28' stalls in an enclosed barn which is heated. They are let outside daily, under supervision. Also, what happend to Rambo and JJ is under police investigation. The autopsy reports indicate foul play, possible poisoning. The battle with the City of Page was ruled on because of a misunderstanding on who should provide a bond form, and refused to do anything until time ran out on the request. Now the giraffes and the camel is being evicted. As far as the enclosure is concerned, yes, Marc helped build the first ones, but they fell apart and everything he did had to be redone. Now the enclosure has a metal roof and the temp inside stays at 54 degrees all winter.Rambo and JJ's stalls were both located near an entrance, Annie Sue and Princess have the middle stall, if foul play is involved then this would have been their access point, and that is why the two boys possibly were attacked.As far as what will happen to these animals, they will be moved to a more secure un-disclosed location. The giraffes are not just an icon to Michael Jackson fan's, they are family members. It was a great loss to all of us.I encourage anyone who is thinking about donating to or supporting this website to maybe take a closer look at Marc Chandler, who by the way has too much blood on his hands to even have the right to comment, he mamed a little camel named Luna while another one of your posting members watched, be very careful who you listen to Teagan. We had a camel specialist look at Luna's leg and discovered that because she was tossed across the shop it dislocated her shoulder and she will never again walk normal. Luna is so sweet, I can hardly believe rumors I have heard about Marc using a taser on her to get her to do what he wanted. If you really want to help the animals, do not subscribe to any other entity than the one that represents the animals, Banjoko keep in mind these animals are privately owned, and whether you believe or not these animals are NOT being mistreated, please leave that judgement to the authorities, who by the way, have a thourough report and are in support of the Hanc**ks. Look it up, get the real facts before reading anymore garbage.

Posted 14 years 4 months ago by Marti2150

Marti2150's picture

Isn't this proof enough that Michael Jackson was a truly caring person. How long is it going to take for the media to report the great things that Michael achieved in his short life instead of the fabricated controversy? I love you Michael, I've always believed you were innocent and will defend you until I meet you in HEAVEN xxx

Posted 14 years 4 months ago by Meli

Meli's picture

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