Golden Girls star Betty White has refused to end a 30-year feud with her stepdaughter MARTHA LUDDEN.
The veteran actress wed Ludden's father, U.S. TV personality Allen Ludden, in 1963 when his daughter was 13.
Martha resented White for taking the place of her mother, who had died just two years earlier, in 1961, and the pair never got along. The teenager turned her anger into rebellion and her behaviour caused friction with her own father.
A source tells the National Enquirer, Allen used to argue with Martha constantly over her... anger towards Betty. Her tumultuous relationship with her father caused him a lot of grief."
Allen was eventually diagnosed with stomach cancer and passed away in 1981 - and White has never forgiven Martha for causing so many problems, according to the tabloid.
The insider says, "I think Betty blamed Martha for making Allen's last years nothing but misery and heartache."
Almost three decades after Allen's death, White is still ignoring all attempts by Martha to reconcile.
Martha confirms, "The last time I spoke with my stepmother, Betty White, was 30 years ago."