Nicole Kidman and Mia Wasikowska received direction for their new movie Stoker from a translator because their South Korean filmmaker didn't speak a word of English.

The Australian actresses play mother and daughter in the upcoming psychological thriller, and although they had a blast getting to know each other, they struggled to bond with their director Park Chan-wook due to the language barrier.

Their co-star Matthew Goode tells U.S. breakfast show Good Morning America, "(We shot the film) with a tremendous translator, which really helps because I don't speak a lick of Korean. And he (Chan-wook) also understands more than he lets on. You go to a steak restaurant and put a couple of whiskys in him and he really (is a trip)."

And, despite a few awkward moments, the Alice in Wonderland star insists it was a great experience, adding, "To work with a director, whose a really brilliant, original talent, was exciting."

The group isn't the first to use a translator to communicate with its director - Arnold Schwarzenegger used an interpreter during the making of The Last Stand, which was shot by South Korean moviemaker Kim Ji-woon.