NYLON PYLON - Foot In Mouth (Out 02/06/03) Reviewed

NYLON PYLON: Foot In Mouth
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NYLON PYLON: Foot In Mouth (Out 02/06/03)
Foot In Mouth
(Out 02/06/03)

With rare vocals that sound like a young Ian Brown in a good mood! It is a huge relief that Richard Stubbs and Bruce Carter do not take the title of their band’s latest single too literally. The combination of punchy guitars and silky synths combine perfectly to inflate things more than the combined ego of Michael Schumacher and Fred Durst. Nifty, no nonsense lyrics gives the song a refreshing and genuine feel:

NYLON PYLON   @ www.contactmusic.com

“I’m moving along and I’m keeping the beat,
But something’s not right between my head and my feet”

For the second track, ‘Foot In Mouth’ is given the Jagz Kooner treatment in a heavier bass beat remix, which is not as lively or bouncy as the original album version. The mood changes completely for the final song ‘Aching From Bass’, which has a creepy instrumental that would accompany an entrance into a haunted house in the old style horror movies. Low pitched female backing:“aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh aahhh” provides the only vocal element.

This single is probably Nylon Pylon’s most Top Of The Pops friendly tune in their repertoire at the moment, as they have a heavier rock element in their live set at gigs. ‘Foot In Mouth’ is definitely a song that deserves at least one listen, but you get the impression that the best is yet to come from the happy go lucky Manchurians.

David Adair
