Review of Mothers, Sisters, Daughters & Wives EP by Voxtrot

Mothers, Sisters, Daughters & Wives
EP Review

Voxtrot Mothers, Sisters, Daughters & Wives EP

Voxtrot are a Texas quintet that has patently been experimenting, by overdubbing Stuart Murdoch's vocals on The Smiths' tracks to entertain themselves down on the ranch. The title track is an apt display of their colourful vocal range propounded by singer, Ramesh Srivastava whose style contrasts with the murky guitars and steadfast, percussion clatter. 'Fast Asleep' is where this EP builds in a pleading nature from a quirky, ambient intro to make reaching the catchy indie groove a worthwhile journey.

In order to stay around in the competitive vulture pen of modern music, you need to be able to craft a snappy and proud pop pearl. 'Rise Up In The Dirt' achieves this feat with ease and more than a modicum of sincerity, as Srivastava's vocals drop a little in pace to hover around soothingly. A strolling keyboard and chugging drum beat leads the way into a flighty final fling 'Soft & Warm', to bear out the life grappling nature of this thoughtful outfit. This five track foray could almost tag onto the end of debut EP 'Raised By Wolves', to make for a colourful and lyrically troubled debut album with interludes of feel-good pop, but they are obviously saving something for that endeavour!


David Adair

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